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CSS Is Chopy..
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

Okay Im Going to try this, Meanwhile here is my Autoexec.cfg File

//BHop Mouse3 Toggle
alias jump "bind mwheeldown +jump; bind mwheelup +jump; alias togglejump inv"
alias inv "bind mwheeldown invnext; bind mwheelup invprev; alias togglejump jump"
alias togglejump jump
bind mouse3 togglejump

cl_cmdrate "66"
cl_updatedrate "66"
rate "35000"

Is that okay for Commands section?
Also if anyone has anything they might think i would like to autoexec.cfg
(Mostly Rival) Please Respond with codeBig Grin (Anything really)
[Image: rmpkzde7i53oupt5t629.jpg]
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

You should probably mark it //Network rather than //Commands. But that looks fine.

I made a couple of guides on autoexec. I was going to make some more, but I never got round to it. I can write some more guides tonight, depending on how busy it is (it's the weekend, after all).

That looks fine btw. Also nice one on using my bhop toggle script Big Grin
If you read this, you suck.
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

Ya looks pretty good but you might want to fine tune it.

Try this.

//BHop Mouse3 Toggle
//alias jump "bind mwheeldown +jump; bind mwheelup +jump; alias togglejump inv"
//alias inv "bind mwheeldown invnext; bind mwheelup invprev; alias togglejump jump"
//alias togglejump jump
//bind mouse3 togglejump

See if that helps.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

JayCat Wrote:Ya looks pretty good but you might want to fine tune it.

Try this.

//BHop Mouse3 Toggle
//alias jump "bind mwheeldown +jump; bind mwheelup +jump; alias togglejump inv"
//alias inv "bind mwheeldown invnext; bind mwheelup invprev; alias togglejump jump"
//alias togglejump jump
//bind mouse3 togglejump

See if that helps.

NO! Don't do that!!!
If you read this, you suck.
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

LOL, You want me to disable my Bhop Script thing? Not sure Why that would help me. I seem to have it fixed rate wise. Im going to tweak a few things, but meanwhile im looking for some of rivals Amazing Scripts!
[Image: rmpkzde7i53oupt5t629.jpg]
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

Meh. I can write up a little rates guide at some point tonight if I have time, but I don't really know that much about how it works in relation to the servers. I'd only be able to recommend settings for our servers, as other servers are different from ours.

Hopefully those default rates work well for you. The config I'm using at the moment is this :

// +------------------------------------------+ //
// ¦            // Rivals Settings \\         ¦ //
// ¦                             ¦ //
// ¦                                          ¦ //
// ¦                           ¦ //
// ¦                                          ¦ //
// ¦                                          ¦ //
// ¦                                          ¦ //
// +------------------------------------------+ //

//Console Message
echo Congratulations! AutoExec Loaded! Have A Cookie :D

//Rate Settings
cl_allowdownload "0"
cl_allowupload    "0"
cl_cmdrate    "66"
cl_downloadfilter "no sounds"
cl_interp "0"
cl_interp_all "0"
cl_interp_npcs "0"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_pred_optimize "2"
cl_predictweapons "1"
cl_resend    "6"
cl_smooth "0"
cl_smoothtime "0.01"
cl_timeout "13371337"
cl_updaterate    "66"
rate    "35000"

//Crosshair Settings
cl_crosshaircolor 5
cl_crosshaircolor_b 220
cl_crosshaircolor_r 250
cl_crosshaircolor_g 0
cl_crosshairscale 5555

//Graphics Settings
cl_forcepreload 1
mat_mipmaptextures 1
mat_vsync 0
r_decal_cullsize 2

cl_hudhint_sound 0
cl_language en

//Bind Voice Toggle
alias voice+ "+voicerecord; alias togglevoice voice-"
alias voice- "-voicerecord; alias togglevoice voice+"
alias togglevoice voice+
bind CAPSLOCK togglevoice

//BHop Mouse3 Toggle
alias jump "bind mwheeldown +jump; bind mwheelup +jump; alias togglejump inv"
alias inv "bind mwheeldown invnext; bind mwheelup invprev; alias togglejump jump"
alias togglejump jump
bind mouse3 togglejump

But thats for me personally. I need to tweak it a little since I have a new internet connection now. Also, feel free to Google any of the network cvars I use there, and find out for yourself how changing the number on them will affect your connection. Also, the crosshair settings bit is wrong, that's configured for before the patch, I just haven't changed it yet because I have it set in game the way I like it (pink small square).
If you read this, you suck.
One last problem... I get about 200 FPS In game, but when i move my mouse or strafe my game around me is Chopy, Like if theres a latter on the wall... It will be like this                            H
Once i move Sad 
[Image: rmpkzde7i53oupt5t629.jpg]
You might be able to handle 200FPS on your graphics card, but it sounds like you're dropping frames horribly, or you have visual tearing. You should really read my thread about tweaking graphics through autoexec. Maybe it's your internet speed?
If you read this, you suck.
Re: Help with Choke and Rates and such Tongue

360Oreo Wrote:LOL, You want me to disable my Bhop Script thing? Not sure Why that would help me. I seem to have it fixed rate wise. Im going to tweak a few things, but meanwhile im looking for some of rivals Amazing Scripts!

LOL. That was a joke. But as far as your other problem, it does look like it might be a tearing problem.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
I, The Rival Wrote:it sounds like you're dropping frames horribly, or you have visual tearing.

In other words oculist should be able to help you.

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