Nov 04 2011, 11:16 AM
Riser` Wrote:A$$a$$!nK-CHING!! $$$$$$
Weird topic. Anyways why do you want to ban him?
Wait till A**a***in sees this... I think his crying /cry
Riser` Wrote:A$$a$$!nK-CHING!! $$$$$$
I, The Rival Wrote:I've never seen one kid talk so much shit about so many CS:S players, and then come into a scrim and just get completely dominated. That's coming from me, and I'm fucking terrible at CS:S.So true. Our team was so mad at him, especially Fragmaster. Then he told us it was his first scrim.
Boom, roasted.
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
pTK Wrote:All I need is an excuse to ban him. Someone make my dayso you sucker are trying to ban me and since you cant you flame me, but you will never be able to you fish face 8)
Ps let's flame him and his horse shaped face
MY MOM! Wrote:Mama likes this *thumbs up*shut up i raped you and you sons in 24/7 D2
JayCat Wrote:Aw, flame jay thanks dude :-*
We all love AssAssin.
yougotnone Wrote:Why AssAssin is Such a nice kid. I love owning him. Why would anyone want to ban him!?BS, you never did and will never do, it was one time and i was tired and decided to play a few rounds before i go to sleep, i rape you every friday, after you eat your CEREALS lol
I, The Rival Wrote:I've never seen one kid talk so much shit about so many CS:S players, and then come into a scrim and just get completely dominated. That's coming from me, and I'm fucking terrible at, everyone knows i dont mean what i say when i say to players that they suck, i never knew you were offended by that
Boom, roasted.
}{@K@P Wrote:oooohhh double ass!!!!!!!! lol one time assassin tried to voteban me on zombies server because i was killing everyone, and he was jealous :odude i dont remember that but if so then you must have been playing zm_zero and sitting in the blue zone where no one can enter cause thats the only time i votebanned ppl, if not then you must have ranned to an imposter lol
pTK Wrote:False votebanning? Thats BAN WORTHYgive up already you cant, you are just a junior admin lol
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:You guys are a bunch of know that you all love he is so pro!!yeah spartan tell them, but do i feel sarcasm in your words? ???
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:no way man that was all rael should see him on his good pro...hahahaspartan you will now today what will happen to all the haters, this topic just gave me the motivation,
}{@K@P Wrote:oh, well assassin is ninja like person, I come to the server, he plays a little and then poof! where is he? i really wanna see how he plays, the skills of assassin! and i wanna see how he works in the dark to serve the light ;Dits not me its you lowrate, you betray your team if they lose you team stacker lol, and if you want to know how i serve the light come play with me to know but i dont think you would cause you are scared to lose points lol
Knowpain Wrote:<3 AssAssinthank you pain <3 too
MindHACKer Wrote:guys lol it's (A**A**in), encode your bad words, this is a respectful Forum <3 xDshut up noob go play zombies
}{@K@P Wrote:Knowpain Wrote:no matter..... its just the back one. not the front one LOlzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xD
lol man! how come assassin doesn't reply to this!? :o
pTK Wrote:Cause ASS ASSin is really SHITTY.... Get it.....its cause i was busy kicking your a** that i didnt see it till now :/
Riser` Wrote:A$$a$$!nthat assassin you dont like is pwning you 24/7 8)
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:do you know why? cause the are jealous of my ninja skills and ptk is mad cause i pwn him all the time, and no im not crying, i wont give them the satisfactionRiser` Wrote:A$$a$$!nK-CHING!! $$$$$$
Weird topic. Anyways why do you want to ban him?
Wait till A**a***in sees this... I think his crying /cry
fenken Wrote:lol dude i talked with fragmaster he wasnt mad, and i even apologized to him too, i didnt know ff was on,on a map i didnt know besides just as you said it was my first scrim, and i wasnt used to ff being on after i knew ff is on i held back so i dont kill my teammatesI, The Rival Wrote:I've never seen one kid talk so much shit about so many CS:S players, and then come into a scrim and just get completely dominated. That's coming from me, and I'm fucking terrible at CS:S.So true. Our team was so mad at him, especially Fragmaster. Then he told us it was his first scrim.
Boom, roasted.
Riser` Wrote:badassassini just want to know how did you become 6th on office you are a bade lol
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
fenken Wrote:More trash talking from A**a**in. Let me get my troll hats on.i hit you enough in office lol
Come on...hit me.
FYI from your last post, TL;DR
naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.
Riser` Wrote:badassassin
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