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CSS Non Steam Patch v68
which patch did u use derpaherp.
The Setti one is V45/v68, u have ti have setti version CS.
The Avairo one is the main Steam parralel V68 patch.

Yeah, Avaira.Ro site crashed, i cant link to it, and it appears megaupload removed the download......
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
uhm, i think its ok to share links, but warlords isnt a nonsteam support team? go to setti forums or aviara and ask their mods/admins
ok, my autoupdater updated to a version 68 now!!!!!!! now I can play woo hoo!!!!!!!!!  Big Grin
#14 has a non steam v68 patch and it works.
"We are not the same i am a Cokeboy".
[Image: 67deagle2jpg.jpg]
[Image: 300299_901.png]
Judging by the posts that I see here on the forums, it appears that this update is going alot smoother that the last one did for the non steamers.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
Uncle JayCat Wrote:Judging by the posts that I see here on the forums, it appears that this update is going alot smoother that the last one did for the non steamers.
Indeed. Good job keeping the servers patched for nonsteamers. Makes it easier to play and more enjoyable Smile
Why is Aviara's 90MB and Setti's 65MB ?  :o
[Image: 74pkdcefk45p0ob8e76j.gif]
[Image: 164962_208.png]
i did it with the setti one and it worked perfectly.THANK YOU!
cool as soon as i reinstall css i will get on this i need to play css again its been a while
Alright here's the direct patch link to the v68 d/l off the avairo site.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6

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