George, Of The Jungle Wrote:Hmm, sensitive topic. I think it's hard though to label someone, who you've never met, as racist just because of the use of one word. I'm white and have a black friend. Me and my friends call him 'n***' sometimes, he doesn't mind at all, we joke around all the time.
It's all about context. I'm never gonna call a black man I pass by on the street a 'n***'. But between friends I sometimes use the word, and won't stop doing it because someone thinks it's racist(I'm kind of stubborn). I do it always jokingly, never to offend and I'm definitely not racist. (Apart from the subconscious prejudices I'm sure we all have
Exactly, it should only be found offensive if being used in an offensive manner. Unfortunately, though, people will take offense to anything, like a car cutting them off going down the street. It is not always used racially. I would never call a black person the N word, im not racist, all people are the same, who cares what color, were all here in the same world together, so get used to it.