Nov 24 2011, 03:21 AM
mawped?whose mawped? u mean map?
Loks Wrote:I LOVE MAWPEDhes a heartless guy with the awp wont let me knife hostage
BARCODE Wrote:mawped?whose mawped? u mean map?lololol
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
BARCODE Wrote:mawped?whose mawped? u mean map?Mowped. He mops floors with awps for a living.
silly Wrote:lololol nice one lolBARCODE Wrote:mawped?whose mawped? u mean map?Mowped. He mops floors with awps for a living.
Mawped Wrote:11:00 PM - </3: althought;D ;D
11:01 PM - </3: although
11:01 PM - </3: flashbang dodgeball
11:01 PM - </3: is pretty fun
11:01 PM - </3: I have to admin
11:01 PM - </3: admit
11:01 PM - </3: FUCK TYPING
11:02 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: ahaha
11:02 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: you suck at typing
11:03 PM - </3: Thanks bro
11:03 PM - </3: At least I'm not spartan
11:04 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: dude dont get abnned
11:04 PM - </3: Look out, if he kills you you will go to SPACE
11:04 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: ahah
11:04 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: when you die go to space
11:04 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: actually made me laugh for a good couple of minutes
11:04 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: genuinely
11:05 PM - </3: All his failures make me laugh for several hours
11:05 PM - </3: at least.
11:05 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: he couldnt even misspell his own mistakes properly
11:05 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: like we were all going "hes gonna abn you"
11:05 PM - Rival #TheRealOne: and he goes "yeah im gonna abd you!"
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