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HOW THE HELL IS IT STILL ILLEGAL!!! well ill tell you it all starts way back when a little lumbering company decided that marijuana could pwn their ass in the paper/fibre shit buisness, so they hired some political figures (Corruption?) to start slingin some of their political crap at it, and twist their little words & conduct their phoney experiements (this is one i really love) to make marijuana out to be as dangerous as cocaine and as intoxicating as alchohol, so whats the results of this? well look a fucking round.
Weve got thousands (YES THOUSANDS!) of people behind bars for minor possesion of marijuana (1g-2oz) were they will more than likely be beaten & raped by other inmates (usually in for more dangerous crimes), their families torn apart by the whole ordeal, not to mention their economic situation (Try get a job after getting outa the pen).
Now i just want to point out their experiment part cause im sick of people saying stoners are slow & un-motivated, During their "Brain cell" experiment were they obtained the fact that marijuana kills brain cells:
They were suppose to give a group of monkeys 7-10 joints (not sure exact number) worth of marijuana a day for a year, well the scientist didnt quite follow his own guidelines, instead of giving them 7-10 joints they Gasmasked (YES GASMASK, I CANT EVEN HANDLE THOSE SOMETIMES) 33 joints worth of marijuana a day for 3 months! at that point there sufforcating the monkeys (Poor monkeys) which would begin to kill brain cells, you see! well they conveiniently blamed the loss of brain cells on the marijuana (33 joints worth! wow!) (ID BE SO BAKED!!).
N yah thats the end of my rant, post back i really want some more evidence ( I GOT MORE, but i dont wanna go on that long).
i dont smoke weed but im shure it will take another o decade or 2 before it comes fully leagal just watch
please go on, its interesting Tongue
ahahah, heres a quick fact for your nogin, before marijuana was criminalized it was the united states's #1 cash crop, yup they were farming it like fricken wheat. xD (i seen old pictures of cornfields of hemp/weed), and you know those people that go to the pen well a good portion of them join gangs in prision to protect themselves from other gangs, so not only are they putting innocent people in jail, their training (yes i say training, because thats what jail ends up being) the next wave of dangerous criminals.
Now think about this, as soon as alcohol was outlawed crime rates began to soar, there were bootleggers and smuggelers, well the states noticed these events, thats why they allowed alcohol consumption again (ALMOST INSTANTLY), now think of that on marijuana for almost the past century well what your looking at is Billions (possibly trillions) of dollars that were artificially inflated (20 fucking bucks a gram!) in the hands of gangs & drug cartels who are professionally doing this ( like i said there making billions). Well if the government wised up and just legalized and taxed the marijuana they would rake in a couple Billion, we would see a dramatic change also the marijuana prices would drop, we would pay like 60$/an oz, for cheap shit, 120$/an oz for the best. (this is my favorite part) Not to mention the medicinal quality of marijuana people wouldnt have to go through the maze of red tape just to get help for there pain! (it helps in cancer pain, as well as MS pain) we dont ask a million fucking questions at the drugstore just to get some damn advil why should they have to just to treat their chronic pain.
now lemee tell ya something too  im not a stoner    but even an idiot can see that marijuana does less damage to your body than tobacco and booze    the real reason that it isnt legal is that we got alot of corruption up in the feds  they make alot of money off of those drug cartels  they should just legalize the shit and put an end to the damn killing the cartels are doing  they know they put that shit out on the market like they do with most of the other drugs and thats why they never will legalize it
How do you prove that we exist,    maybe we dont exist
money is the root of all evil. including the evil that is marijuana prohibition
Why don't they just legalize everything for private use. Stop all gang crime problems and make money in piles from the taxes. It's your body so if you're stupid enough to do it then you should be aloud to. It's not like you can't get stuff anyways.
i bet its illuminati, cause they know that it will eventually lead to a new world movement, that fucks them over cause they've been brainwashing us, and the marijuana breaks those restrictions. ^_^
i love weed. Smile i very strongly dislike illuminati.
haha i dont smoke im healty
Jrdn Wrote:haha i dont smoke im healty
i smoke and im health.... so i win

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