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Resolved  what is wrong ?
so i play Bob Marley on the mic.. and no one says that they dont enjoy it.. so im not making anyone angry even someone was singing on the mic.. and i get muted... without ANY warning whatsoever.. i got mad at the admin!! he mutes me then after says no mic spamming?shouldn't it be the other way around?so he says no mic spamming after mutin me and i say or what and he bans me? wtf is wrong with that guy?
I didn't mute you but just a word of advise.  Probably about 99% of people don't want to hear muffled static filled music over a terrible ingame mic while they are playing computer games.
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[Erevanski]...    (CFC) Wrote:so i play Bob Marley on the mic.. and no one says that they dont enjoy it.. so im not making anyone angry even someone was singing on the mic.. and i get muted... without ANY warning whatsoever.. i got mad at the admin!! he mutes me then after says no mic spamming?shouldn't it be the other way around?so he says no mic spamming after mutin me and i say or what and he bans me? wtf is wrong with that guy?
Didn't mute you either, but mic-spamming is still not allowed. Playing music is considered spam.

You've been around enough to know this rule.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
yeah man but you could warn me right? but it said ...(1) has been muted.. they dont jack? so why didnt anyone say anything? why didnt anyone tell me to turn it off?and if its bad in your opinion that doesnt make it bad for other people..
I muted you and then told you why. If your response had been oh sorry, mute would have been off no problem. Instead you started talking shit, I didn't ban you.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
naive Wrote:I muted you and then told you why. If your response had been oh sorry, mute would have been off no problem. Instead you started talking shit, I didn't ban you.
what? i started talking shit? when exactly did i talk shit oh mr admin?
[Erevanski]...    (CFC) Wrote:yeah man but you could warn me right? but it said ...(1) has been muted.. they dont jack? so why didnt anyone say anything? why didnt anyone tell me to turn it off?and if its bad in your opinion that doesnt make it bad for other people..
Alright, well if you want to play the that's your opinion bs, how about this then.  It is against the rules, don't do it.
[Image: 76561197977275857.png]
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You started immediately after the mute. You were blaring music which isn't allowed, people thanked me for muting you. You're putting up a hissy fit about a temporary mute that would have been gone when you rejoined or the map switched or agreed to not blare music. Grow up.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
JackMonroe Wrote:
[Erevanski]...    (CFC) Wrote:yeah man but you could warn me right? but it said ...(1) has been muted.. they dont jack? so why didnt anyone say anything? why didnt anyone tell me to turn it off?and if its bad in your opinion that doesnt make it bad for other people..
Alright, well if you want to play the that's your opinion bs, how about this then.  It is against the rules, don't do it.
it isnt? so what if i didnt know that? shouldnt the admin warn then mute? oh did they say thanks? why didnt i see them saying thanks? you should learn to be a normal admin then tell me to grow up man.. i dont care for the ban i just didnt like you muting me THEN telling me to not mic spam
You've been around for a while, you shouldn't need a warning. Are you really claiming you didn't know playing music wasn't allowed? You were never banned, don't know why you are saying you were.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."

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