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Hello im yavorro.

I live in Poland from blizzard game i play StarCraft BroodWar (i played long time ago and now im back into it)
Ive also play Call of Duty series (cod4, mw2, black ops).

I founded the page while i was searching google to find some starcraft videos, strategies and tutorials.

Hello everyone! Smile
I met one person on from poland, they were really smart, I was under either the account RaveTheGo[SAS] or IndigoRaven, do you remember me?
sry mate im pretty sure we didnt met on battlenet. (what a rhyme Big Grin)
yavorro Wrote:sry mate im pretty sure we didnt met on battlenet. (what a rhyme Big Grin)
what are you rhyming?  Oh i see, you are trying to rhyme met with, well um, in that spot it should be meet
Sorry mate I'm pretty sure we didn't meet on
But still, it did rhyme without grammer
~The Grammar Nazi
lol i was sure that "meet" in past time is "met"
ahh my bad, with "didn't" i should use form "meet"

hey i can even upgrade my english skills here ;d
Niestety jednak, zapomniałem, że nie były naturalnie anglojęzycznych, nie powinny mieć krytykowali.
Does that work?
hmm google translator dont work well on polish language ;d

from what i understand of this translation, u wrote: "i forgot that english is not your natural language, so you dont supposed to be criticized" ?
I MEANT to say,
"I forgot that you weren't a natural english speaker.  I shouldn't have critized."
Oh well, I tried.

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