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Ping Masking and POSSIBLE Lowering of the Ping Limit
I, for one, am getting just the weensiest bit tired of seeing these kids with 1 ping or 5 ping, obviously hiding the fact that they have 400+ ping, and yet its pretty obvious because they kill you even though they are aiming 10 feet to the left or right of you.

ANYWAY, the point is, if this hasn't been brought up yet, maybe the servers could get a plugin (if it even exists) to auto-kick/ban people who ping-mask.

Also, my second point/suggestion, is that you lower the ping limit to like at LEAST 300, maybe even 250. I have a feeling that wont be done, but at least think about the ping-masking thingy.

[Image: KJNxG.png]
I have to agree in the fact that it can be a tad annoying at times. Then you have to think about it from another angle. What about the players that are not in the USA? Our servers are full of people from all over. Why should they get kicked once every few minutes because they had a short spike? The wL servers are one of few that allow players from all over to play. There are many great servers that wont allow someone over 200 ping to play. This is not one of them. We are one of those great servers that allow everyone to play. I promise you that the positives of our servers are far better then the set backs of a few high pingers. Just continue to play and you will see too.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]
_RemiX Wrote:I have to agree in the fact that it can be a tad annoying at times. Then you have to think about it from another angle. What about the players that are not in the USA? Our servers are full of people from all over. Why should they get kicked once every few minutes because they had a short spike? The wL servers are one of few that allow players from all over to play. There are many great servers that wont allow someone over 200 ping to play. This is not one of them. We are one of those great servers that allow everyone to play. I promise you that the positives of our servers are far better then the set backs of a few high pingers. Just continue to play and you will see too.

I want to make babies with you.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
One of the few reasons why people mask their ping is because some assholes think they lag the goddam server and they keep saying shit to them.
[Image: 1qs5g7.png]
My rule is that if they teleport around, they get kicked. Otherwise, even if they have 400 ping but aren't glitching around, they won't get kicked.
Now that rates are unlimited, that's more of a non-issue now.

WL is one of the few international communities that allow people from all over the world to play. I don't think that making a ping limit and banning ping maskers is a conducive policy towards our reputation and traffic.
[Image: 191457_101.png]
all valid points :p thanks for taking the time to respond!

and as for this person:

"One of the few reasons why people mask their ping is because some assholes think they lag the goddam server and they keep saying shit to them"

im merely stating my concern for the well-being of the server. obviously you did not name me as one of those "assholes [that] think they lag the...server", but i cant help but think you are labeling me in a round-about way. "lagging the server" was never mentioned in my post. in fact, i have never even experienced lag that wasnt my own. plus, when i see these ping-maskers i dont say anything to/about them because, as we ALL know, arguing while playing cs gets no one anywhere. now lets leave that type of thing for the flame threads.
[Image: KJNxG.png]
wL is an international server, so we wouldn't be installing plugin to limit the ping down to 300 and lower. Also, I don't like ping maskers as well, just annoys me.

When a player kills you, and that kill was like 4 sec delay, are there any punishments? I just need to know that, it's really annoying me lately.  Especially heaps of random kids killing me by interp.
_RemiX Wrote:I have to agree in the fact that it can be a tad annoying at times. Then you have to think about it from another angle. What about the players that are not in the USA? Our servers are full of people from all over. Why should they get kicked once every few minutes because they had a short spike? The wL servers are one of few that allow players from all over to play. There are many great servers that wont allow someone over 200 ping to play. This is not one of them. We are one of those great servers that allow everyone to play. I promise you that the positives of our servers are far better then the set backs of a few high pingers. Just continue to play and you will see too.
[Image: 2ntzjn7.png]
silly (no sound): you need to learn
Zero: i taught you
silly (no sound): how to be cool like me
Zero: you knifed me when i retired
silly (no sound): I have hopes for you
silly (no sound): to be my apprentice
silly (no sound): my prodigy
silly (no sound): to carry on my legacy
silly (no sound): good luck padawan
silly (no sound): may the force be with you
Zero: lol
Zero: why you make it sound that you are never coming back alive master?
Zero: Tongue
silly (no sound): I will
silly (no sound): when you're ready
silly (no sound): to show me what you've learnt
silly (no sound): when you're a jedi
so shut up BOI Wrote:all valid points :p thanks for taking the time to respond!

and as for this person:

"One of the few reasons why people mask their ping is because some assholes think they lag the goddam server and they keep saying shit to them"

im merely stating my concern for the well-being of the server. obviously you did not name me as one of those "assholes [that] think they lag the...server", but i cant help but think you are labeling me in a round-about way. "lagging the server" was never mentioned in my post. in fact, i have never even experienced lag that wasnt my own. plus, when i see these ping-maskers i dont say anything to/about them because, as we ALL know, arguing while playing cs gets no one anywhere. now lets leave that type of thing for the flame threads.

So my reason happens this way:
Player 1: DAM! bad reg server is lagging we need to kick those who has 200+ ping.
Player 1: Player 2 leave the server you're lagging it.
Player 1 insults player 2.
Player 1 tries to votekick him.

Saw this kind of stuff all the day in 24/7 dust2.
[Image: 1qs5g7.png]
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:When a player kills you, and that kill was like 4 sec delay, are there any punishments? I just need to know that, it's really annoying me lately.  Especially heaps of random kids killing me by interp.

Banana, it does suck to get killed with delay or around walls after you have peaked. The thing about it is that you were out gunned. With lower ping you have an advantage. You get to shoot way before someone with 200+ ping gets to react. Thing is if you miss they have a great chance of getting you due to the delay because of their ping. Had they not been so high with their ping you would have just died while looking at them. Both ways you as the lower pinger are not getting "gayed" or "bullshit" interp lag deaths.

Its hard to get shot around a wall and not rage. Just have to deal with the fact that you got out gunned.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]
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