Apr 28 2012, 01:58 AM
Re: Space Shuttle Enterprise files again
That shuttle flew over my school today =S
That shuttle flew over my school today =S
silly Wrote:I partially agree with masterful, I see it as a morally righteous thing to do (deposing a cruel dictator, whose power they helped to consolidate). But I don't like how they've unfairly capitalized on Iraq's oil.
silly Wrote:I partially agree with masterful, I see it as a morally righteous thing to do (deposing a cruel dictator, whose power they helped to consolidate). But I don't like how they've unfairly capitalized on Iraq's oil.The UN Charter clearly states & I quote: "Chapter 1 / Article 2: 1- The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
silly Wrote:I partially agree with masterful, I see it as a morally righteous thing to do (deposing a cruel dictator, whose power they helped to consolidate). But I don't like how they've unfairly capitalized on Iraq's oil.
Spartacus Wrote:No country has the moral authority to make such a call.I don't agree that no country has the moral authority to depose another country's genocidal dictator and remove the associated regime.
Spartacus Wrote:That's what the international community is for.
Spartacus Wrote:And the Bush Adminstration pushed the Iraq War agenda without approval from the UN. That war was illegitimate.Apparently Bush and his fellows used WMD propaganda in order to begin the war, and it seems that they were quite interested in stealing some resources from Iraq as well (not to mention that they've been in Iraq for a very long time now). I have a problem with all of those things.
MindHACKer Wrote:2- All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered."Mindhacker, I'm not supporting the idea of America stealing Iraq's oil, nor America's extended military occupation of Iraq (provided that the people of Iraq genuinely can take care of themselves).
& by Peaceful doesn't mean declaring wars on other members country's & invading their land, & stealing form their Oil reserves.
silly Wrote:But, do you really think that every conflict can be peacefully resolved? Sometimes things need to be fought for (imagine what would have happened if nobody stood up to the Nazis).
Cortex Wrote:did anybody notice the title? enterprise "files" again?LOL that's my mistypo
pfft what is this? files? i for one am extremely confused and dissatisfied.! >
MindHACKer Wrote:You don't think that Hitler existed? And also that he didn't order the extermination of Jewish people? And you think that September 11 was something that the Americans did to themselves? But no, I don't think that getting rid of Hitler was a mistake, and the same goes for Hussein. These people were creating way too much suffering for way too many people.silly Wrote:But, do you really think that every conflict can be peacefully resolved? Sometimes things need to be fought for (imagine what would have happened if nobody stood up to the Nazis).
The whole idea of "Hitler" was to make an excuse to justify the occupation of Palestine,
& the whole idea of 11 Sept. was to justify the occupation of Afghanistan & Iraq, (((((((Stealing the country's Oil reserves)))))),
& the whole idea behind the Arab spring is to destabilize, & fuel a massive civil war in the region after the withdrawal of the American troops, in order to give the "Israelies" the peace they're asking for.
I can tell you from experience Mistakes can't be corrected by doing other Mistakes.
Quote:You don't think that Hitler existed? And also that he didn't order the extermination of Jewish people?he did exist but like neptune said: "to make an excuse to justify the occupation of Palestine,"
Quote:And you think that September 11 was something that the Americans did to themselves?yea, but not the American pplz it was their government(sacrifices for the greater good) but i guarantee u it wasn't for the pplz good.
Quote:But no, I don't think that getting rid of Hitler was a mistake, and the same goes for Hussein. These people were creating way too much suffering for way too many people.what about now silly? cuz i think pplz are suffering more than they were before...
RED7EAGLE Wrote:Quote:You don't think that Hitler existed? And also that he didn't order the extermination of Jewish people?he did exist but like neptune said: "to make an excuse to justify the occupation of Palestine,"
Quote:And you think that September 11 was something that the Americans did to themselves?yea, but not the American pplz it was their government(sacrifices for the greater good) but i guarantee u it wasn't for the pplz good.
Quote:But no, I don't think that getting rid of Hitler was a mistake, and the same goes for Hussein. These people were creating way too much suffering for way too many people.what about now silly? cuz i think pplz are suffering more than they were before...
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