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Obama declares support for same-sex marriages
Spartacus Wrote:non-religious argument opposing same-sex marriages.

Quote:Social and gender roles greatly simply things. If every man has a wife, and kids, I can base loads of policies on this. When looking at specifics, this is not a big deal, but when looking at a big picture, accommodating for non-traditional pairings becomes very difficult.
Maternity leave, healthcare laws, divorce, kids... Any laws that might apply to a husband and wife, now need special considerations for a wife and wife, a husband and husband, as well as a husband and wife (and single parents).
And laws are really nothing compared to the social expectations. Social roles can really help for a smooth running society. On one hand, a handshake is just an arbitrary act that increases the chance the risk of viral spread. On the other it's a show of trust and respect and non-verbal communication. There are entire books written on what different handshakes represent. Similarly, there are years of tradition built on men sitting in smoking rooms, while wives chit chat and cook. Its a system of behaviours that helps us all get along and function. It's completely arbitrary, but it's a system. Imagine if you went to shake someones hand, and they licked your cheek instead - sure it could work, but it's gonna throw a lot of people off.
A lot of traditional values exist partially for these reasons. Why should we drive on the right side of the road (o left as it may be). Doesn't matter which side you drive on, but everyone needs to be on the same page. You might make more complicated rules that say, sometimes, you drive on the right, sometimes on the left, but every time you add a layer of complexity, you open the door to problems.
If everyone had traditional male-female marriages (and gender roles), it's possible for things to go extremely smoothly.
(of course, if someone rejects these traditional roles, if their gay for instance, then roles are broken anyway, regardless of whether the law agrees with them or not, so I would personally argue that it makes more sense for accommodating laws and sociality, but I find I can feel where the traditionalist are coming from a lot better when I view the problem like a backward compatibility upgrade issue. Some people are just not ready to upgrade to the new version of office, because they have loads of legacy documents that willl not work.)
You can argue against this by replacing homosexuality with racism or sexism. Just because something is tradition, doesn't mean it's good. People used to think smashing people in the head with tools would cure headaches, that yawning was letting your soul escape, that the sun revolved around the earth, and that vaguely suspicious women were probably witches. It's exactly what he's saying it is, arbitrary tradition. As with the other prejudices, it will just take a bit of time & effort to change around laws, and even for the majority of society to accept it. Times, they are a changin'.
[Image: 2ntzjn7.png]
silly (no sound): you need to learn
Zero: i taught you
silly (no sound): how to be cool like me
Zero: you knifed me when i retired
silly (no sound): I have hopes for you
silly (no sound): to be my apprentice
silly (no sound): my prodigy
silly (no sound): to carry on my legacy
silly (no sound): good luck padawan
silly (no sound): may the force be with you
Zero: lol
Zero: why you make it sound that you are never coming back alive master?
Zero: Tongue
silly (no sound): I will
silly (no sound): when you're ready
silly (no sound): to show me what you've learnt
silly (no sound): when you're a jedi
Anarchy and chaos are the only 'natural' things in this reality. Customs and tradition are only meaningful if you want them to be, so they can't really be used as justification for the oppression of those who deny them. I dont want the queers to rise up against me, so I'll give them what they want if it doesn't do a damn thing to effect me. Marriage is nothing more than a piece of paper that groups imagine to have meaning. If one sack of blood wants to have some imaginary legal document binding them with another, why the fuck should anyone care about their anatomy.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
silly Wrote:P.S. You guys sure know how to have a gross conversation.


damn, I"m drunk
homosexuality is man made or... :-X
the first 2 humans were (male & female) not (male & male..)
Quote:homosexuality occurs in many different species of animals
i wouldn't wanna act like an animal -_- (no offense to anyone)

enough said
RED7EAGLE Wrote:...
homosexuality is man made or... :-X
the first 2 humans were (male & female) not (male & male..)
Quote:homosexuality occurs in many different species of animals
i wouldn't wanna act like an animal -_- (no offense to anyone)

enough said

Animals eat, breathe, sleep. You don't want to do any of these things? It is more "animalistic" to reject those whom are different from yourself rather than understand there is no risk to yourself and to accept them.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
In addition to eat, breath, sleep my cat licks his balls every morning.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
Quote:Animals are also heterosexual too
yeah and also animals f**k every female in sight...and i dont do that.

Quote:, and they eat, breathe, sleep.
animals eat its own shit and breath its own and others fart..and i dont do that

Quote: You don't want to do any of these things?
do u?

srsly it's really silly u comparing animals to humans.....
Quote:Animals are also heterosexual too
yeah and also animals f**k every female in sight...and i dont do that.

Quote:, and they eat, breathe, sleep.
animals eat its own shit and breath its own and others fart..and i dont do that

Quote: You don't want to do any of these things?
do u?

srsly it's really silly u comparing animals to humans.....
omfg ! hahhaaa !! Hey Red,youre right...
maybe he does it everyday! He likes to be an animal so sorry for U.. shame on you :\
RED7EAGLE Wrote:srsly it's really silly u comparing animals to humans.....

Humans *are* animals. Citing traits about other animals you consider to be negative can be done with positive things as well (flight, limb regeneration). Only a very small percentage of our DNA differs us from most of the animal kingdom. It's fairly ignorant to deny how similar in fact we are to all living organisms found on earth.

It doesn't matter if you like gay people or not, it's a natural phenomenon in mammals that reproduce in the way that we do. It's always going to be around whether you like it or not. It is nature. It also does not effect heterosexual people in any way. Why should your slight discomfort around gay people be worth a trade off of absolutely crushing an individuals entire life due to your misguided fears about homosexuality.

Hating gay people is like hating gravity, you are a fool if you call it 'unnatural' and there isn't shit you can do about but accept it. They are never going to go away and you better get used to it.

Homophobia is linked to closet homosexuality also. So all of you haters are really probably just gay and confusing arousal stemming from homosexuals stimuli for anxiety. Most reasonable explanation for all of these unfounded fears IMO Smile Source (there are more):
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
naive Wrote:
RED7EAGLE Wrote:srsly it's really silly u comparing animals to humans.....

Humans *are* animals. Citing traits about other animals you consider to be negative can be done with positive things as well (flight, limb regeneration). Only a very small percentage of our DNA differs us from most of the animal kingdom. It's fairly ignorant to deny how similar in fact we are to all living organisms found on earth.

It doesn't matter if you like gay people or not, it's a natural phenomenon in mammals that reproduce in the way that we do. It's always going to be around whether you like it or not. It is nature. It also does not effect heterosexual people in any way. Why should your slight discomfort around gay people be worth a trade off of absolutely crushing an individuals entire life due to your misguided fears about homosexuality.

Hating gay people is like hating gravity, you are a fool if you call it 'unnatural' and there isn't shit you can do about but accept it. They are never going to go away and you better get used to it.

Homophobia is linked to closet homosexuality also. So all of you haters are really probably just gay and confusing arousal stemming from homosexuals stimuli for anxiety. Most reasonable explanation for all of these unfounded fears IMO Smile Source (there are more):

Thank God there are still people out there with a brain.
[Image: 243864_101.png]

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