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Resolved  Ban Appeal sorta..
STEAM ID: 0:0:18435710

so i get banned today by ruplayer. anyone that frequents wL popular maps servers is FULLY AWARE of how shitty the registry is on those servers, so naturally i was bitching about how atrocious it is and don't try to give me some bullshit how its on my end. yeah i know live in germany right now but little did you know i also played on wL when i lived in the states too AND yes it was terrible back then ALSO i play on other servers too! both european and american AND i compete in a little league called ESEA and their AMERICAN BASED SERVERS have amazing reg even when my ping 180 also due to living in germany, okay? so i know what the fuck i am talking about here. anyway i play on this server because cool people are in abundance, but then today after i bitch about the reg, this little dweeb ruplayer gets his panties in a bunch when i start punkin his ass over the mic. so what do most people/admins do when they are being destroyed psychologically by someone with a higher IQ? BAN 'EM. yeah its only for 4 hours so who really gives a shit? i'll go scrim on ESEA i guess. so in the end here, i was banned for language yet what did i violate? apparently noticing simple faults involving the server and then voicing them to others is wrong?

ok. enough said.
Hey, you should really follow the ban appeal guidelines. You need to include your Steam ID too. ... uidelines/
#4 ... mid&Submit

It shows to me as 4 hours ban, which should be expired already. Please wait for the admin who banned you or a head admin to look at this.
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
Ban is Expired.

Check your connection from the server too and put a consideration to our servers that letting everyone around the world could play, You know the server reg depends on other players connection too, youre not smart enough quit complaining, theres a bunch of servers out there for you to play.


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