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General Josh, Regarding Drunk Killer
Hostage, post: 68227, member: 4929 Wrote:Nice Rules...but i think some of the Admins should be more respectful :

a Non-rejection Example : Dr.Ruplayer , ... just saying.

i appreciate admins and i always respect them.


Just a note Josh, the issue people have is not that you supported DK... he and I have always been on good terms and I was shocked to seem him banned as well.
What bothered me was much along the lines of how you went about "expressing" this support.
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
IDC what the reasoning is now, WHY DO I FEEL LIKE IM BEING ATTACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
General Josh, post: 68252, member: 946 Wrote:Apparently this isnt worth my time anymore, apparently the admins like good little plantation slaves that dont question them whatsoever, apparently asian ppl can be just as much assholes as white ppl, apparently ppl feel it necessary to continue to pick on someone who is "defeated" who already admited he wasnt going to press the issue anymore but no, can't just let it go can we?Oh one more apparently; apparently ppl like to be the big bully when they can and you know can't just leave a guy alone, its not like plenty of ppl haven't killed themselves because theyvre been bullied, and its also not like ppl dont think its funny. The fact that both of these things appear to be funny concepts to ppl, shows me the real intention behind the thread, thats you ppl want to see another person kill themselves because of your warped versions of righteousness that you have to throw at ppl. That you can't just stop, and let things go, ptk didn't do this because he cares, from my view he just did this to pick on me, to call me out, as did all the other admins who apparently were offended by having their authority questioned. Just saying i was and have dropped the issue on my end, Drunk can stay the hell banned for all i care now, but the fact that the other side, can't also drop the act and walk away and let it go, is actually pretty sad.
1st statement/question) Who are you on the servers anyways? I don't ever recall playing with you.
2nd statement/question) We dropped the act and walked away, you kept pressing the issue.
3rd statement/question) Why the asian people/white people?
4th statement/question) Your bully statement is idiotic.We don't want someone to kill themselves over a videogame. If an individual ever felt this way, I'd advise them to seek serious mental help as a video game should not hurt them this way.
5th statement/question) The fact that you think we want someone to kill themselves, and that we think it's funny is just stupid. There's no real intention behind the thread, we just want you to stop. You're going to such great extremes, and you only end up making yourself look stupid.
6th statement/question) Your view is flawed, we have told you over and over to stop. That you don't know the full situation and you don't need to. Everyone is annoyed at you. You posted in DK's thread where he specifically stated for others not to post in. I mean... good god.
7th statement/question) We are not angry that you're questioning our authority, you're just asking for information that you don't need to know. If you don't like it, leave. It's not going to bother us much. We're angry because you haven't stopped fighting what you have to know is a losing battle. You just keep yelling about this and that and your argument hardly makes sense. It's cluttering up the forums and everything.

End: You're an idiot, simply put. The arguments you make are so drastically overdramatic, you really have no place to make such wild accusations and such. You have no idea of the full situation, and you don't need to know.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Look at that, see, you couldn't just leave the insults out of it huh> you gotta call me an idiot. I feel like im being bullied here ok, what none of you ppl every seen how ppl have killed themselves over things that happened over the internet?
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
How old are you?

A) It's a flame thread.
B) I really do think you're an idiot.
C) It's not that people are killing them over "bullying" over an internet game, it's people are getting harassed being called names, and having videos posted about them. Those are the people that are killing themselves. But more importantly, you have to realize that these kids are getting bullied in real life as well, and have an unshaky mental state. They need to be given severe mental checkups since that is there primary problem.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Hostage, post: 68227, member: 4929 Wrote:youre an admin, should try to make WAR LORDS more public but i dont understand this malicious acts. youre throwing out your users !!

Nice Rules...but i think some of the Admins should be more respectful :

a Non-rejection Example : Dr.Ruplayer , ... just saying.

i appreciate admins and i always respect them.


Yes, yes, I fight against evil, those disrespectful trolls. I like all wl users, especially kids...
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
Your looking at one u ass, i didnt have a computer untill i was 17, im 18 now, i've been harassed and bullied my entire life ok, why else would i feel you are all trying to gang up on me.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Then I suggest you find some mental health counseling before continuing your time on the internet. If you feel like our comments are making you uncomfortable or thoughts of suicide, please log off and call a mental health hotline.

You're getting "ganged" up by everyone because of the comments you made in the shoutbox, the thread, demanding things that you didn't need to know. You were disrespectful to admins, Drunk Killer. You were just as guilty in harassment. It's not we're bullying you by all responding against you, it's the fact that you dug yourself such a deep hole, and you're trapped in it. If you had a logical argument with logical facts and evidence, people would side with you, but you haven't supplied that.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
It is a flame thread. Most of them came here to vent.

You're the subject of the flame due to your latest actions in the forums.

See yourself as a celebrity if it makes you feel better.

You could learn a thing or two from Registry, wL's resident troll.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.

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