Poll: Do You Base you aim with the awp at: Show Results
A) where the targets body is supposed to be?
10 66.67%
B? Where the targets head is supposed to be?
5 33.33%
Total 15 vote(s) 100%
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How Do You Awp?
Simple Question right, well today i encountered a pretentious Dm noob who said it'd be much easier to awp if u Aim At The Head instead. So My question is, to all Pro-Snipers, Mega Awpers, Awper nerds and noobs who think they know something, Which Is the Easier Way to Awp?
Do you:
a) Aim At the Head with the awp?
b) Aim at the Body with the awp?
Dont give me the "it depends" statement either, im talking about what is you base aim as a sniper, do you base your aim at the opponents body, or where his head is supposed to be.
My personal experience around the best awpers in wL is that they majorly get upper body awp kills, headshots do happen, but not frequently, maybe 1 in 3 or 4 shots at best will an awper at least that ive observed get a headshot. Fuzzie Izzie of the dm tried to prove i was wrong in this, that u can aim at the head with success, well, he did, but he got 19 kills and 20 deaths in the end. He said he "Usually gets 3 before dying" which tells me that as an awper he normally gets three kills before getting killed. Now him aiming at the head only seemed to prove that the method is inefficient, so wL forum ppl, how do you awp?
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Lol. Wut??? When did said conversation take place?!
I scout for faces, but when I awp, it's the first lethal part of the body my crosshairs reach--usually upper body. I'm gonna see if you have me confoozed with someone else.
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
How do I AWP? I zoom in at the mid/upper body, but of course that's never where my shot seems to go... I just try to spam shots and hope in some way, the bullets get tired of my bullshit aim, and just go kill someone.
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

Most of my awp shots are flick shots. when I camp I would have to say I lead my aim at about the shoulders. It really does depend on the situation but majority its shoulders.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]
_RemiX, post: 69662, member: 3519 Wrote:Most of my awp shots are flick shots. when I camp I would have to say I lead my aim at about the shoulders. It really does depend on the situation but majority its shoulders.

LOL just the "depends". Something josh didnt want
[Image: FinalFantasySigSHARPEN.png]
[SourceBans] ADMIN: Banned player "Riser" for 10 minutes (reason: for being riser).
^:truestory: ask Him SO FUNNEH
For Your Own Personal Signature:
Right, im just asking the base aim ppl have, Sorry if U didnt relize i was talking about the awp izzie, u were in the deathmatch today right?
Base Aim = Where u target first and always with ur crosshair, so upper body, head, legs, etc.
Nevermind , it wasnt Izzie, it was a guy named Gummy Bear, no wonder i got confused.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Lieutenant Josh, post: 69645, member: 946 Wrote:Simple Question right, well today i encountered a pretentious Dm noob who said it'd be much easier to awp if u Aim At The Head instead....Fuzzie Izzie of the dm tried to prove i was wrong in this, that u can aim at the head with success, well, he did, but he got 19 kills and 20 deaths in the end. He said he "Usually gets 3 before dying" which tells me that as an awper he normally gets three kills before getting killed. Now him aiming at the head only seemed to prove that the method is inefficient, so wL forum ppl, how do you awp?
lol. I just went over the chat logs, josh...so much rage...bad for your health...and thought processes...

Let me clarify a couple things:
  • =«SS»= -=ΣDan the Man-=ΣD (the "Dm noob") actually said,"I always aim at the head with a scope, and it's easer to with one." He never said it was easier than a body shot. In fact, when you mentioned that most of the good awpers aim at the upper body, he replied, "ohh so they do the easy way huh." Half a minute later, he again affirmed that that was "the easy way."
  • My friend ΣZ Company Gummy Bear is the guy who trolled [what he assumed was your] 2:10 hs ratio with "dude out of 10 shots i get 10 hs", which he then went negative to prove when you called him out on it. If you've seen him on office 24/7 or scrims though, you'll notice that gummy is a scouter, not an awper. His 3:1 ratio and 100% HS accuracy are (obviously) inflated, but he does score mad headshots with his scout.
  • There is no record of any participants in that conversation contending that headshots are easier or more effective than body shots with an awp.
  • Though I believe I'm the fuzziest, I'm not the only Bear playing here in war-lords. I actually haven't caught you ingame in ages. I understand your confusion though.
::edit:: rofl, I just read everyone's messages since Eternal's... can't believe spent that long looking and typing this up o_O ::edit::
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
before i would go for the torso as it is in the middle and has the least margin of error as well as having a better chance of hitting people as they crouch. but now that my awp flicks are reasonably accurate, i only aim for the head if i can reach it within reasonable time. i dont really take much time to aim either, its just scope, spot and flick n shoot and when you get headshots they look sick as fuckkkk
Helmut^ : Black dont act as if you don't wall
B L A C K D Y N A M I T E : lol record me
Helmut^ Confusedo you can pretend like you cant see people through walls? no thanks

*DEAD* Helmut : chun is such bullshit
*DEAD* Helmut : lmfao
*DEAD* Helmut : what a fucking joke

Helmut: you're so full of shit chun
ChuN*BWP*: then your bad dude...
Helmut: right kid
Flick shots are normaly the way I go and normaly land body shots even when im leading I aim for the chest area....
What's the difference between a rigger and god?
God doesn't think he's a rigger.
If I have some time I aim for the head, but most of the times I don't. So yeah, I usually flick to the body, but it's more subconsciously I think, I couldn't really change it now even if I wanted to.

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