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Two Moar Backgrounds/Signatures
Here they are, Let me know:
[Image: Bokeh.png]
[Image: AbstractRandom.png]
[Image: FinalFantasySigSHARPEN.png]
[SourceBans] ADMIN: Banned player "Riser" for 10 minutes (reason: for being riser).
^:truestory: ask Him SO FUNNEH
For Your Own Personal Signature:
1st one meh, it's okay and the 2nd one I think is pretty neat.
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

lol nice i seen all these Tuts Tongue you are doing pettey great.
~The lonely Stoner seems to free his mind at night~
Yup yup Wink
[Image: FinalFantasySigSHARPEN.png]
[SourceBans] ADMIN: Banned player "Riser" for 10 minutes (reason: for being riser).
^:truestory: ask Him SO FUNNEH
For Your Own Personal Signature:

Edit: I think i will steal it and save it on my laptop if you dont mind of course Big Grin Tongue
First one is pretty basic, nothing special but really like the 2nd one, good job Smile.
[Image: 34grqxg.png]
[Image: 168hp2u.png]

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