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Playing SG all in one minigames fix
i was playing this map.
someone chose knife arena.
no Admins were online.
so, after one CT died, every single fucking CT rushes in. Kills the one T.
After another T goes in, gets GangBanged and jizzed all over (lol)
T's speaking on the mic, "go to the fuckin corner"
nobody listens, lol
seems like some people are going to corner.
2 odd guy stands still, doesn't speak english (facepalm)
someone translates and goes to corner.
players who are more immature than elementary schools complains and says,
"you are delaying the game"
5 T's reluctantly goes in, gets jizzed on.
only 3 T's left.
they keep saying to go to your corner, nobody listens.
CT's starts votebanning/votekicking/votemuting
all T's die.

goes around and around like that for 6 times on the same map, without any admins.

srsly, any one can fix that shit? im tired of it.
and hire some more admins, i guess. (i know you already have a lot, but there weren't any admins while i was on)
That does get freaking annoying, I should try out for moderating the mg server seeing as I am on when it's night-time for le Americans. :p
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[Image: 636327_101.png]
Sorry. I try to be available on steam as much as possible, but I've been at a summer camp for the last 5 days. Tomorrow's my last day though. Platform's also having computer trouble, so it figures that things mIght get out of hand. Knife fights on that map are a nightmare to moderate though. With some crowds it's just not worth it.
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
Dude I hate when people crowd the door just so they can gang up on you. I was there with you that time and they just stood there saying we were delaying. I do agree with you there needs to be more admins because that stuff is just ridiculous.
YuRi Approves
[Image: tumblr_l26orhtfgh1qb1ovyo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lsklc0sQ7G1qdmxh2o8_250.gif]
it's a glitch, they won't fix it. it happens a long time ago do u remember?

well mouseshit(if u remember who he is) cry about it and...

if block is on it won't be like that but it's a mini-game, who would put block on in mini-game lol

last word: i want perfect back to the server so he can own me

server was fun before these new ppl come and complain a lot

im out of topic somehow.

so i hate people who can't listen
yea... well. Seems nobody is going to fix it, so deal with it Big Grin

and fuzzy, i do appreciate your service. But because you play based on JST timezone (do you even? u just skip sleeping lol)
you are usually available when it is 9PM~12AM PCT.
drunk was on. i dont know if he play as much as before.
so the server wasn't really flowing... as before, when at least 2 admins were on during the daytime.
i miss those days.
you know, when Smee tower was extended for 3 times then the next map was ski mountain
me and fuzzy would dominate the server >:-D just kidding lol
well, that is that, times goes on and on, and things change. i guess i will have to deal with it.
and Cosmo, i do remeber Mouseshit always qq-ing about it lol
and Platform would just slay every fucking living CT on the stage lol

now, without any Admins, CT/T who are on the ring is more angry than the guys who aren't coming in. They even voteban!!!

this is srs. lol
My thought is to modify the map in-game so noblock is deactivated when players enter the boxing map.
Just like Bison when he made a teleport trigger in bobiii
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
[Image: 2dgqm84.png]
[Image: dejxg5dm1cglfstk5w.png]
mar_heave, post: 72915, member: 1302 Wrote:My thought is to modify the map in-game so noblock is deactivated when players enter the boxing map.
Just like Bison when he made a teleport trigger in bobiii
wait, so you are saying enabling !block command would help reduce the unfair grouping of team on the ring?
I've just about had it with this map today. Too many glitches like the one where someone gets a gun and kills everyone.
YuRi Approves
[Image: tumblr_l26orhtfgh1qb1ovyo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lsklc0sQ7G1qdmxh2o8_250.gif]
Yuuki <3, post: 73179, member: 8153' Wrote:wait, so you are saying enabling !block command would help reduce the unfair grouping of team on the ring?
When players enter the boxing room, the noblock will be deactivated(I don't know if this can be done, because you can't do it in hammer i think), and maybe a push trigger?
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
[Image: 2dgqm84.png]
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