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Why are most of the people in MG hates me?
I always try to find reason why so many people hates me so much
George Of The Jungle, post: 77008, member: 3094 Wrote:Ugh, minigames.

You can't even make decent sammiches!!
[Image: 612953_101.png]
Gets ban appeal rejected, makes thread complaining about people hating on him.
Can't tell if trolling or just... nevermind.
[Image: 191457_101.png]
Reminds me of one those slutty facebook self photos by girls saying

"I'm so you think so?"

when they're actually expecting the opposite answer.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
Everyone has haters, but not everyone is hater.
Not everyone in MG server hates you. And i am one

btw, i was going to use that picture of yours... =__=
Every one hates me in minigames. But, then again. Idgaf lmaooo.
[Image: 519966_101.png]
[Image: 541034_101.png]
cosMo, post: 77018, member: 13270 Wrote:I always try to find reason why so many people hates me so much
Oh yeah like how you pretended to be your brother, so you could escape some flak and ask us why we hated you.
YuRi Approves
[Image: tumblr_l26orhtfgh1qb1ovyo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lsklc0sQ7G1qdmxh2o8_250.gif]
Yuri The Sailor, post: 76956, member: 14856 Wrote:NOOOOOOOOOOO you got banned. Now who else am I gonna tell "I effed your sister" to. Sad

I'm gonna miss my FOB.
He'll be back on friday.

[Image: tumblr_mf1umwFOnm1r4eysco1_500.gif]

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