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Basic Humanity - Thought Thread
I sit for hours on a computer that I could control the world with but instead play a simple game. I withhold potential of unlimited power. For what reason do I delay? What is the cause? Hi, my name is James and I am here today and every day after to share my thoughts with those who continue to read on in the hopes to better understanding the type of person I am and what I come to think about on a daily basis.

There are vast amounts of thoughts I possess that could be executed, patented, and shared to better the life of others and for some reason I have never revealed them to anyone but the woman I hold closest to me. I may even divide this thread into different sections for inventions, thoughts, and epiphanies. It is all a matter of my mind and what I could possibly comprehend with it.

First of all let's begin with my mind. My lack of attention is due to the fact that my brain processes information in a way that leaves an astonishing effect to where I block out everything and anything around myself. On a daily basis I focus in on one small particular object and my thought's rainbow into many different ideas and winds up on the other side something completely different and yet I remember the entire journey. Sometimes they last for hours and even days. But the greatest journey of all has been life and I regret to admit that my life has been pretty dull.

I possess thoughts for engineering cheap and effective wind and water farms. To further develop an element into a new conductor that speeds up memory and processing with less heat. I have the schematics for a mecha robot that is fully operational and can be used as a tactical advantage in any military situation. I myself possess endless knowledge in engineering and electronics, if I think about it long enough I will know the answer to any question. It may not be the answer you wanted, but it's what I believe to be right and I am rarely ever wrong when I choose to answer.

I possess little to no book smarts. I have not learned the large vocabulary I possess from that of books or schools. I can hold intellectual conversations with some of the greatest minds I know. But it all comes from common sense. I believe that common sense is the only thing you need in life. If you are as extreme as I am with it your knowledge could be endless if you thought enough about it. I do not possess the ability to strategically map out every point in a map on counterstrike. I use common sense.

Next, we have my body. I am physically fit in every aspect. 6'2" and 165 lbs. I possess a fighters body like no others. I have speed and agility that outmatch many of my peers. I have never played any athletic sport on a team in my entire life. I guess you can say that I meditate because my legs are always crossed and I sigh very deeply which is slightly like taking deep breaths. But I am also straining my mind with continuous thoughts, who to shoot next, where to look after, where to go when i am done.

I possess the urge to leap large distances and maybe even fly. I feel my body was made for so much more than walking or running. I feel that my body should possess the ability to travel faster than what scientists say humans could possibly go. I feel I can push my body to the brink of destruction and exhaustion that instead of a second wind I than possess powers that were once beyond my control. However, I believe that none of this is possible without the most important part of the body. The brain.

Lastly, but most importantly. My consciousness. I, myself, am James. I am no one else and no one else is I. I possess the will of my body and mind. I control what I say and do. I have the ability to throw a Frisbee or eat an apple. I, myself, am telling my body and mind what to think, say, and do. I do not allow those aggressive entities to control my life. I let myself, James, control my life. It's life. A life that does not belong to myself but my body and mind as well.

You could possibly say I am the soul to the host in which I am provided. I am what I believe to be, the ancestral line to a long distance of previous of vessels. My host possess this insatiable ear for classical music, mostly piano and cello. He holds this innermost thinking about something greater than himself that he wishes to become. A god no. Immortal yes.
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Bhagavad-Gita

"There is nothing more devastating than the thought of death. Of complete nothingness. To lose to what you believe your true nature being. Immortality." - James

"True depression comes from ignorance and stupidity. True happiness comes from stupidity and ignorance. Contention comes from a deeper understanding of true nature and the ways in which we try to defy it." - James (So tell me, are you depressed, happy, or content?)

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Firstly, great job on the paragraphs! so much pleasant to read.

[Image: thinker-and-doer.bmp]
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.

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