Mar 11 2011, 08:19 PM
Okay so I was having fun playing on your server, Fun Rotation Maps, when I got gagged "For talking to much I guess
" so I started to use my name to communicater to other people. A little while after I got a 3k spraydown with m4, and a double AWP kill. I was playing really good now that I finally warmed up, but then after I got killed from someone who was camping below the bridge (the map was de_aztec) I got kicked and it said "You have been banned by this server. Please check for more info". I'm confused. What did I do? Please unban, I love to play on these servers.
And if it was my name changing that bothered you im sorry I won't do it again. P.S. I do play with high dpi so I can understand why people think I may cheat