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Petition to build an American Death Star is under way...
White House receives petition to build Death Star

A petition calling for the Obama administration to build a space station based on the Death Star from the Star Wars film franchise has attracted more than 3,000 signatures.

[Image: death_2150371b.jpg]
Economics students at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania have calculated that it would require one quadrillion tons of steel to build a Death Star Photo: ALAMY

By Jennifer O'Mahony
3:14PM GMT 05 Dec 2012

[Image: comments.gif]23 Comments

The petition, which calls on the US government to "secure funding and resources" and "begin construction" on a Death Star by 2016 needs 25,000 signatories if it is to be considered by officials.
The campaign's founder, identifying himself only as "John D", is based in Longmont, Colorado, and registered the petition on the White House website on November 14.
The campaigner sets out a clear brief for the benefits of a homegrown Death Star, including a boost for the American economy and national security.
He writes: "By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense."
The Death Star is the size of the moon in the film franchise and is capable of destroying a planet with a single laser beam.

Full article:

Sign the petition folks! Lets hurry up and destroy ourselves already!
P.S. While building the USS Death Star they should consider building lightsaber...can't have a Death Star without a damned lightsaber... so not cool! Sad
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
Reminds of Peter Jennings covering the "Auction of Lenin's Corpse" after Soviet Russia became Un-Soviet Unioned.
What a joke Lol!(as Lenin is always identified with Russia) Star Wars always identifies with America.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Haha indeed.

Double post

I know you have all been waiting with anticipation.. for this petition to be read by the White House and decided on...
They decided not to go with the force on this one!

‘Star Wars’: Obama White House says no to Death Star petition

Jan. 12, 2013 | 7:30 a.m.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator

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