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Approved  LURV (Final word if i may)
Hello !!!!

I am the player "LURV" on Office 24/7.

I have been banned again, and i feel there is a place for some final words before i give up.

About a year ago, when playing on Warlords server Office-24/7, i had a non-serious "debate"
with another player ("..Tasty..Tuna") regarding my spray (Non-nude, Sandra Bullock). In the same context,
i FACETIOUSLY (As a joke and nothing else) typed into the chat, that if he would "fuck" with me i would
DDOS the server. (Once again, it was a joke). Unfortunately, the administrator "Anubis" took it wrong and
banned me permanently as if my words were meant as a serious threat to the server. I am of course very
sorry for that, especially due to the facts that i never had those intentions in the first place and that the
server in question was my favorite all categories.

After trying to reconnect (like most players would do instinctively i assume), i found myself again banned permanently for what you call "Ban evasion". After that i tried a few times anyway because i enjoy the server and the game so much.

Okidoki. No more fun for me. :-)

Christmas 2012 i purchased a new computer and, just to check and out of curiosity, i connected to the Warlords Office-24/7 and to my surprise i was "not banned" anymore. I felt very happy about being able to play on my favorite server again, although i understand that you ban people based on the individual and not the hardware they play on. So i felt i wasn't "wanted" on the server; especially not by Anubis.

Today, the 2nd of February 2013, when playing on Warlords Office-24/7 i was banned permanently again by the administrator "Anubis". The reason for the ban was again "Ban evasion" from the prevoius accumulated permanent bans.

I just wanted you to know my side of the story and how i see this. Being banned for cheating i can understand. But being permanently banned based on a thoughtless joke in the chat one year ago feels like very hard to me, and irrational especially considering that people who use the filthy N-word can keep playing without being banned.

As for being labeled a bad person by Anubis i would like to point out that i have always made sure to greet other players, make jokes, and so on. Many times i have gotten myself killed because i felt it was more important to give a friendly response to another player saying hello to me in the chat. I am not a bad person.

I have never cheated.

Due to the nature of some players, I generally have zero tolerance for threats against the server. From what I remember of this case, your story appears to be accurate. Since there have been no other issues, I have lifted the original ban and the one issued earlier today.

For reference:
Old ID: STEAM_0:0:1205863691
New ID: STEAM_0:0:1151537211


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