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Take The Human Test
What score did you guys get??? I only got 4 Sad! Am I less human now?

[Image: 612953_101.png]
You are a cyborg!

Hahaha! I got 9. Woho!
[Image: 61kfgjqll7.jpg]
[Image: cucubelu2.jpg]
[Image: 801768_101.png]
Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
I got 1, but I'm not even sure about that...
Matt, post: 86937, member: 178 Wrote:I got 1, but I'm not even sure about that...
admit it, it's the "have you thought about just smacking someone that is talking to you" because I have, on multiple occasions
[Image: e1GzZ.gif]
Yeah, just yesterday me and my co-worker walked together, he was in front of me, and as I was looking at his back I kind of thought what would have happened if I randomly started beating the shit out of him... I played the whole thing in my head, including his reaction etc. I think it's weird thought and has no logical explanation, but it happens a lot to me. Violence occupied my head.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
i got a 13, but some of the stuff there i couldn't really answer..
1 so im not a human i wonder what am i then? oh wait im an assassin lol
henry, post: 86939, member: 395 Wrote:admit it, it's the "have you thought about just smacking someone that is talking to you" because I have, on multiple occasions
Its like a common human fantasy... it is one of those what if moments!
[Image: 61kfgjqll7.jpg]
[Image: cucubelu2.jpg]
[Image: 801768_101.png]
Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
I flunked the test too. It must be an ursine thing.
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 87274, member: 9457 Wrote:I flunked the test too. It must be an ursine thing.
once a bear, forever a bear.
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