Posted by: The Rival - Oct 12 2011, 05:05 AM - Forum: News Replies (73)


Hi everyone Smile

If you hadn't already noticed, we've bid farewell to our Full Rotation and Fight Yard servers. These servers were removed due to being heavily underpopulated, and we wanted to free up resources on our boxes, as SCRDS doesn't support multicore systems at the moment.

We're also removing our GunGame server, and possibly replacing it with a server idea that myself and Matt talked about last night, taking into consideration input from other admins and players.

The general idea is that we have a server with a rotation of popular custom maps made by mapmakers. Some of you may be familiar with custom maps already. They are maps that were not created by Valve, but have been released by creative individuals in their spare time, using Source SDK. With the help of my friend, I've been looking at a good amount of maps to fill a server with.

We have also been requested that a "Pistols Only" server be made. Until SCRDS has support for mutlicore systems, we're only going to be able to put up one server. Matt and I discussed this last night for a while, and came upon an idea.

We were thinking of having a server with several good, balanced custom maps that are fun to play, and having a plugin that randomly forces pistol rounds at different times in the map. So for example, you could be 5 rounds in and the 6th round would restrict you to only using a pistol.

This could, in effect :

- Give the losing team another chance at gaining money
- Break up boring game play (you'd be able to get that annoying awper who was camping every round)
- Improve your skill with pistols (people rarely use them after the first few rounds)
- Make the game have an added dynamic (you never know when a pistol round is coming)

I personally think that combining the two ideas could make the server a lot more fun. Lots of servers are either one or the other, if we could successfully combine 2 ideas into one, then we'd be in with a hit.

As we're a community, we'd like to hear your thoughts on the idea, or if you think you have a better idea, please tell us Smile

EDIT : Okay, so I finally finished testing a bunch of maps. I'll mark the ones in green that are going to be tested in AAs testing lab, or red if they're denied. If they're denied, they could be added at a later date. The reasons behind denying a map is because I've felt that it would be a waste of time testing the map, or if I felt that it's just not a very fun or balanced map. I know this is mainly just my opinion, but I am putting a lot of work into getting custom maps tested, and trying to organise a fresh new server with some nice, (relatively) new maps. If you think you can do a better job than me, you're welcome to try. If there are any maps that you'd like me to reconsider, just post and I'll see about testing them. Just because I have denied them this time, doesn't mean they can't be added at a later date.

- Hostage Rescue Maps -
Will be tested in AAs Lab.
Will be replaced with cs_estate_source (basically the same map)
Not as good as tactick_2
Should be included, need to test in AAs Lab
Worse that tactik_2, will not be included
Really large map (90mb), may be included or added at a later date.
Doubtful whether this will be included.

- Bomb/Defuse Maps -
In my opinion, it was a poor map. The fog textures got old quickly.
Need to test this in AAs lab
Very crowded map.
We have a War Lords version of dust2 that would be used, if we were going to use any.
Very swish Aztec style map. Will be testing this in AAs Lab.
I'm still undecided on this one. Maybe considered for a later date.
Very doubtful about this one.
Definitely testing this one Big Grin Love this map.
Another dust map.
Will be testing this map
Will test this one, purely because I'm curious as to what it's like with human players.
There are several errors I noticed with this map, mostly radar problems
Will be testing this map
We did test this map, but it was rather big and people were distracted. May retest.
I'm going to decline this one at the moment.

WARNING : The previous map pack was missing a few files, I completely overlooked their inclusion. The new link provides all of the maps approved here for testing. The testing server is currently being set up with fastdl, so downloading the map pack is not essential, unless you want to have the maps prior to entering the server.

NOTE : All the maps approved for testing are now available for downloading here. I highly suggest downloading this map pack if you're going to be testing these tonight in the AA Lab Server (DandyAndys server). Unfortunately, this is a closed group, and the map pack could change before it's put on the server, so download at your own risk.

This list is top heavy with bomb defuse maps, so I'll be looking at the other suggestions to find some more hostage rescue maps, just purely for a bit of diversity. Since defuse maps are better that hostage maps, I don't see how this will be a bad thing Wink In the spirit of this, 3 cpl maps and de_losttemplepro will also be added (because they are boss maps).

As for the pistol round mod, it's being rethought at the moment. The latest update changed the accuracy (and thus the effectiveness) of pistols. Not sure how popular being forced to use unpopular weapons would be.

Posted by: naive - Sep 19 2011, 06:31 AM - Forum: News Replies (2)

Boobs seems to be MIA from setti,'s release forum no longer exists in its former home.. Thankfully they seemed to have only relocated it due to some police harassment. I have tested this patch with setti's install  and it works successfully on war-lords. This patch should be compatible with a fresh install of setti orange box nosteam csConfused also.

Place in counter-strike 2010/2011 folder, run. Play.

Patch: ... 0.0.66.exe

More Info, Full Release: ... ll-updates.

Posted by: naive - Sep 17 2011, 11:37 PM - Forum: News Replies (11)

EDiT: v66 is out now, this fix will no longer work when war-lords updates.

Ok, seeing as there is still not a setti patch, I have extracted the new avaria v65  patch over top my previous setti v64 installation, and it works! This is a better option than the steam crack I posted previously as most of our users will not need to download a whole new game from steam. Also, my steam id is now once again the same.

Download patch, place in counter-strike 2010/2011 folder and run!

More info:

Posted by: naive - Sep 17 2011, 10:24 AM - Forum: News Replies (14)

EDiT: v66 is out now, this fix will no longer work when war-lords updates.

Boobs from setti is still M.I.A. on this patch for nosteam. As I see it the likely best replacement is going to be a cracked steam version for now, this one was updated today and is successfully downloading csConfused v65 from steam itself right now. I have used it myself and joined war-lords now successfully.

Simple directions:
Step 1: Use installer, it will install cracked steam.
Step 2: Make new steam account.
Step 3: Go to library, find counter-strike: source
Step 4: Click install, and start the download
Step 5: Wait..
Step 6: Click play and join war-lords! It works!

Don't use a steam account you care about, make a new one. No guarantee it's not virii'd.

Unfortunately switching from setti no-steam to this one, my steam id did change. If tons of peoples steam id's get changed perhaps we can figure out some sort of systematic porting method?

More info: ... on-wizard/

Posted by: M. Bison - Aug 26 2011, 12:01 PM - Forum: News Replies (216)

Tournament ended...

}{@K@P - STEAM_0:0:2074876669 - 1 rounds
Artist - STEAM_0:0:321101673 - 2 rounds
Art - STEAM_0:0:958551271 - 3 rounds

There will be an official announcement after we review demo's to assure no one was cheating.

The competition will happen on Saturday, September 24th, 2011 at 6PM PST. There are limited slots on the servers, so don't be late!  Tongue

The competition will take place in the gun-game server:
anyone is welcome to join but won't be entitled to the prize unless they signed up. Additionally, if there isn't enough room for the competitors people not signed up may be asked to leave.

If there is a tie there will be overtime rounds to end the tie.


[list type=decimal]
[*]Has played on our servers at least as early as 1 week prior to this post.
[*]At least 24 hours worth of in-game play time on the war-lords servers. (I might make exceptions depending on how many people sign up)
[*]The comprehension of English necessary to read and understand the rules and objectives.
[*]Isn't a known troublemaker, hacker, or whatever else.

[list type=decimal]
[*]A legitimate copy of CS:S on STEAM.

How do you sign up? Simply make a post saying you want in whilst providing your STEAM_ID for no-steam (sounds weird, doesn't it..  ???). The competition will begin when at least 20 people sign up. Then we'll organize a time to meet up in-game. We'll then discuss everything you need to know in-game, including the objective, the rules, and how to win.

The copies were donated to war-lords by an "anonymous" individual. :o

Signed up users:
DeNvEr - STEAM_0:0:342898445
Knowpain - STEAM_0:0:935388431
nano-bot© - STEAM_0:0:731375779 ?
}{@K@P - STEAM_0:0:2074876669
FullyHecticEshay - STEAM_0:0:1289252022 ?
AcidBurn3r - STEAM_0:0:1419376529
MarcelMarheave - STEAM_0:0:187350629
rAnSaCk - STEAM_0:0:2143381061 ?
.: PLUTONIUM :. - STEAM_0:0:978163167
SaiSter - STEAM_0:0:1337928285
comma - STEAM_0:0:1215843924 (STEAM_0:0:1197608813)
NeptuneHACK! - STEAM_0:0:996791014
RED7EAGLE - STEAM_0:0:103732202 ?
silly - STEAM_0:1:24133958
[[email protected]] - STEAM_0:0:1241355928
CuRveX - STEAM_0:0:26624351 (STEAM_0:0:1120299886)
Vu - STEAM_0:0:1436256336
FALCON - STEAM_0:0:1984936196
Artist - STEAM_0:0:321101673
Art - STEAM_0:0:958551271
IceBird - STEAM_0:0:1025250958

TOTAL: 16-20

Not eligible:
Snuck{4-1-5} - STEAM_0:0:1110579857