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[WTF] backwards responsible for recent DoS attacks

Bison and Me aren't the ones attacking you or your community. I was going to post this on your forum but it seems to be down also.

Sending game invites to friends over steam has always been fair ground. It seems you only cared when half your population left after it. The only thing that isn't cool is going into that community's server and directly advertising on it, which I do apologize for that, since I know it happened on your server. But then again, Bison and Me can't be held responsible for certain individuals actions.

I certainly welcome you involving NFO but I highly doubt they will care at all. They get paid either way for the server and Lawyers cost a lot of money. We have proof of [WTF] backwards [DEV] attacking our servers, and NFO has logged all the attacks against our servers. We have had over 110 attacks logged against our servers since backwards has started his attacks.

It's pretty sad how a leader of your community has done this as I'm sure you are aware of how painful and devastating these game server attacks are. I'm kind of wondering how many other clans and communities He has also attacked?

After all of this, it has been you that has come in here and personally attacked us and our community, and we haven't once gone on your forum or even bad mouthed like you have.
Don't worry about recording this thread. It'll be up and untouched.

This is pure gold, backwards action sure as hell backfired. c wut i did der?

It's also funny, you guys accusing us for the attacks without a single bit of proof because when we did WITH proof, you guys laughed at us.
I have the solution, quit playing CS:S and try this game called life. It is really fun once you get the hang of it. Theres girls and pizza.

[Image: tumblr_n4z0koM6fN1qznvrxo1_500.gif]
(Feb 02 2015, 08:02 AM)Matt Wrote: wtfrepresent,

Bison and Me aren't the ones attacking you or your community. I was going to post this on your forum but it seems to be down also.

Sending game invites to friends over steam has always been fair ground. It seems you only cared when half your population left after it. The only thing that isn't cool is going into that community's server and directly advertising on it, which I do apologize for that, since I know it happened on your server. But then again, Bison and Me can't be held responsible for certain individuals actions.

I certainly welcome you involving NFO but I highly doubt they will care at all. They get paid either way for the server and Lawyers cost a lot of money. We have proof of [WTF] backwards [DEV] attacking our servers, and NFO has logged all the attacks against our servers. We have had over 110 attacks logged against our servers since backwards has started his attacks.

It's pretty sad how a leader of your community has done this as I'm sure you are aware of how painful and devastating these game server attacks are. I'm kind of wondering how many other clans and communities He has also attacked?

After all of this, it has been you that has come in here and personally attacked us and our community, and we haven't once gone on your forum or even bad mouthed like you have.

Our server had 64/64 players yesterday... who left again?

No we did not start caring when half our players left because no one left you see? Players are free to play wherever they choose, this isn't a prison but they choose to stay in our server because they enjoy it. Also advertising over steam is one thing but having one of your members post on our server AFTER being told not to advertise was just insult to injury. That required immediate action.

FYI, as I recall auto-smile posted on our forums first and also played like a sheep first. I doubt any one of our members had an active account on this forum before this whole thing started, we've been aware of you guys since you first got ddos-ed and it's been nothing but problems since. From rowdy players to mic spamming to drama... endless issues stemming from your community and I'm not bad mouthing here, just stating facts. We even discussed banning everyone that came to our server from all your servers but decided it was messed up and we allowed people to play (with our rules) but as the old saying goes.. no good deed goes unpunished.

We shall see how this plays out.
(Feb 02 2015, 06:49 AM)George Of The Jungle Wrote: This nerdwar sure is pathetic, but there are other things to do in life than to play Source you know.
wtfrepresent seems to have lost his composure now that the WTF server goes down regularly as well, almost seems like another person.  Dodgy
Not that much fun, is it?

yes well aware of life, I deal with assholes like you guys in real life but at least then I get to decommission their egos with a few choice words... in the interwebz everyone is a tough guy.
(Feb 02 2015, 01:32 PM)wtfrepresent Wrote: in the interwebz everyone is a tough guy.
(Feb 02 2015, 01:32 PM)wtfrepresent Wrote: I deal with assholes like you guys in real life

Let me check your foru-
Oh wait...
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
(Feb 02 2015, 01:29 PM)wtfrepresent Wrote: Our server had 64/64 players yesterday... who left again?

Well it seems to be 0/64 now. I'm not sure who you pissed off.

Quote:No we did not start caring when half our players left because no one left you see? Players are free to play wherever they choose, this isn't a prison but they choose to stay in our server because they enjoy it. Also advertising over steam is one thing but having one of your members post on our server AFTER being told not to advertise was just insult to injury. That required immediate action.

I believe this happened after you issued a clan/community wide ban, because WT-F wasn't happy that players were getting dragged away. We didn't have any member purposely join your server and spam. The only things we encouraged was group and friend invites which can go for anyone in any server. These friends invites weren't targeted at your server players specifically. It must of done something for backwards to notice and come into our server and attack it.

Quote:FYI, as I recall auto-smile posted on our forums first and also played like a sheep first. I doubt any one of our members had an active account on this forum before this whole thing started, we've been aware of you guys since you first got ddos-ed and it's been nothing but problems since. From rowdy players to mic spamming to drama... endless issues stemming from your community and I'm not bad mouthing here, just stating facts. We even discussed banning everyone that came to our server from all your servers but decided it was messed up and we allowed people to play (with our rules) but as the old saying goes.. no good deed goes unpunished.

Rowdy players and mic spamming has been a problem for every community since the dawn of Counter-Strike and pretty much any game with voice support, its hardly a unique issue with us. I'm sure there was more of a reason of not banning the players other than the goodness of your heart.

Quote:We shall see how this plays out

At the end of all this, attacking a server is a lot lower than sending out friend invites to join a server. The proof we have is pretty damning against backwards, and it wouldn't surprise me if Hes the one currently attacking our servers right now as well.
(Feb 02 2015, 01:29 PM)wtfrepresent Wrote: Our server had 64/64 players yesterday... who left again?
That's hardly a valid point because our server was attacked 24/7 for a couple days now.
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
Instead of having this internet pissing contest back and forth, one could make a case for the leaders of both communities to try and stop the attacks. You could try to convince us you don't know where it's coming from... But not that many people either know how to ddos, are willing to ddos or want to pay someone to ddos a server.

Because once a server goes down regularly or stays down for a while, people move on to different servers quite fast. Warlords Pop Maps (and other wL US servers) were populated 24/7 until about a year ago. They weren't down (due to attacks) for that long, but yet after that they just sat there empty even though they were back up.

Why invest so much time in running a server Vane (I think) and then have it all go to shit over this?

I could be wrong, but if the attacks on Warlords stop, I'm pretty sure the regular attacks on WTF will stop as well. Or we can keep saying that it's a coincidence that both servers are getting downed after these threads started.
(Feb 02 2015, 02:32 PM)George Of The Jungle Wrote: after that they just sat there empty even though they were back up.
Not quite, we kept getting attacked anytime they populated. The attacks were a lot smaller though. After a while people began to lose interest. I suspect the smaller attacks were also backward's doing.
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol

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