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Hydro to rabbid (bean) w/e ur name is
Look Rabbid hasent been on for i dont know how long but a while first thing he does when he gets back is start trolling saying dumb shit to me and making a few other join him i play on this server evryday i dont deserve bull shit from people specially people who hardley play. Also the next thing he did is switch teams in the middle of the round so he would be a t skin and shoot me in the head...... never do i do that.... so my message to u rabbid is if u want to act tuff keep it to urself dont care ill give u my home address and if u wanna make something of it we can brawl outfront un till then i aint even speaking ur name just keep my name outa ur mouth and we can keep it the same nigga
First of all, Threatening me with violence proves how much of a ignorant inbred self egoistic narcissistic prick you are. Learn to solve a problem with using that squishy, permastoned thing, you call a brain.

Second of all, If you were actually active on the forums like any decent admin should be you would know why I was gone, but again your an egoistic prick who only wants to play with Admin in the servers then to actually do some work.

Third of all, I had set to switch me to the other team on the round end to try and even the teams. Something you wouldn’t know much about I guess. Check the logs tuff man, It was not during the middle of the round.

Lastly, Get over yourself... The only one holding a grudge on this stupid topic is you. I really don't care about you at all.

Eat shit and die.
As the Human Torch would say...
One more thing, Are you retarded? You’re accusing me of talking shit to you and trolling the server but you do realize that everything in the server is logged correct? And you do realize, everyone including the root admins know my mic is currently not working, Right? So if you were planning on lying which is pretty obvious you were, considering I didn’t do anything you’re accusing me of doing, then maybe we should check the server logs.

Ohh wait, you might not want to do that... They'll see how you have been using Admin all chat in the server to talk shit to me once again... It’s a good thing you’re such a good Admin and you play a lot on these servers Hydro. It’s very obvious, that the people who keep the forums alive, and people who invest a lot of time and their money into these servers have nothing to do with what’s keeping it together... Man...  Just like how you’re living at home isn’t it? You don't do anything but eat the food in the refrigerator, and use the T.V. Frankly I’m surprised you even brought out the word deserve in your argument, as if you have earned something here at warlords by being a spoiled brat.
[Image: Zenk-4.jpg]
sorry but i have to agree to with rabbit i was playing in the server too!! and what i saw was rabbit switchin teams because we were getting raped all the rounds and he was trying to even!!! i have 100 % sure the rabbit was ct skin!!! anyway hes mic is broke too and i really dont have seen him typing shit to anyone!!!!
[Image: 20j1ild.png]

with that aside, I completely agree with rabbit, Hydro is never on the forums and I think the only reason he is admin is because he is #1...
[Image: 171148_101.png]
Loks Wrote:sorry but i have to agree to with rabbit i was playing in the server too!! and what i saw was rabbit switchin teams because we were getting raped all the rounds and he was trying to even!!! i have 100 % sure the rabbit was ct skin!!! anyway hes mic is broke too and i really dont have seen him typing shit to anyone!!!!

Thanks Loks


with that aside, I completely agree with rabbit, Hydro is never on the forums and I think the only reason he is admin is because he is #1...

lol, I think a lot of people would agree with that statement King.
For what its worth, I'd rather have admins that were on the server than on the Forums. There are a lot of admins that may be present on the forums, but are hardly in game.

I went on here once before I applied for admin and never came back because it seemed as if the Forum had little activity, a bunch of random threads, and people who couldn't use even a semblance of punctuation (No offense Pass).

On the topic, you're both sluts. LOL, kthxbai.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
joker8baller Wrote:For what its worth, I'd rather have admins that were on the server than on the Forums. There are a lot of admins that may be present on the forums, but are hardly in game.

I went on here once before I applied for admin and never came back because it seemed as if the Forum had little activity, a bunch of random threads, and people who couldn't use even a semblance of punctuation (No offense Pass).

On the topic, you're both sluts. LOL, kthxbai.
we require admins to be active on the forum Tongue
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[Image: 2evxipy.jpg]

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