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People going too far about "stacking".
This is a conversation between Mr Tea (an admin), and I, after I joined ct on nuke for half of one map rotation. The writing which is coloured teal was not actually part of the conversation, but I added it later as comments. Also, I didn't straight away realise that he was actually talking to me.

Mr Tea: lol, SO Far you are 2 for 2 as a map stacker
Mr Tea: lol, respect is -5 ( *sarcasm* because all respect comes from skill in a game)

Then some people were saying that I was a hacker, as a joke.

Mr Tea: no hax as ct
Mr Tea: i can have a 5 kpd as ct here

Me (after I get curious): tea, who are you talking to?

Mr Tea: its quite obviously, u (it really wasn't obvious).. I would commend a ct in a pub on nuke as a drug addict not smoking crack after shooting up herion (the only thing I undestood from that sentence is that he was criticising me for joining ct on nuke)

Me: tea, you said that joining this team on ct is stacking, and of course ct is usually easier, but most of the better players are on your team (there was Mr Tea himself, another person called Politricks who had 30-3 on the previous map, and at least 3 other people who had decent scores on the previous map), or who were pro haxors like Bison and George).

Mr Tea: what good player is here>?

Mr Tea: and then its nuke

Me: you, and most of the others (on his team)

Mr Tea: i could rape ct
Mr Tea: but i'm not a bitch (he basically just called me a bitch)
Mr Tea: the cop out is tea is ct.. that is pishtim logic. "I went T on aztec" but stacked the last 8 maps its ok though (I don't know pishtim, but if his logic is that "most of the better players are on the unstacked team of a stacked map, I'm going to join the other team" [like the logic I used], then I would agree with him).

Me: do you know how stacked the teams were before/
Me: on the last map?
Me: I was genuinely trying, but I was still getting completely pwned (on the previous map, the score was about 13-1 in the ts favour, and I was on ct with half as many kills per death). Someone has to join ct on nuke..

Mr Tea: not really, it was train. If u can't pull out ct on train u need to uninstall. Its like getting owned on any other bias map (according to the de_train map statistics cts have won 51 percent of the time (which is not much more than 49% at all) but on this occassion we had won 7.7% of the rounds, while ts had won the other 92.3%).

When I checked the score on nuke, it was 8-3 in the cts favour, which seems far less stacked to me, especially considering the map. (at that point ts would have won 37.5% percent of the rounds, while cts would have won 72.5%)

After that I noticed that he had left the server.

Coincidentally, I changed to t soon later, and we managed to win a couple of rounds before the map changed to italy.

If all of the better players had joined ct, I would have joined t. I don't intentionally stack, and usually change teams after my team is easily winning. On this occassion I did change teams, pity that Mr Tea wasn't around to notice. And if he only knew what percentage of the time I join T on aztec. It's probably something like 80%.

My point is that he started harassing and insulting me about "stacking" after seeing me join CT on nuke, on one short occassion (after he was on a much more stacked team on the previous map). He was clearly going too far. I actually wonder if he does this to many other people.
[Image: 2ntzjn7.png]
silly (no sound): you need to learn
Zero: i taught you
silly (no sound): how to be cool like me
Zero: you knifed me when i retired
silly (no sound): I have hopes for you
silly (no sound): to be my apprentice
silly (no sound): my prodigy
silly (no sound): to carry on my legacy
silly (no sound): good luck padawan
silly (no sound): may the force be with you
Zero: lol
Zero: why you make it sound that you are never coming back alive master?
Zero: Tongue
silly (no sound): I will
silly (no sound): when you're ready
silly (no sound): to show me what you've learnt
silly (no sound): when you're a jedi
silly Wrote:...", and at least 3 other people who had decent scores on the previous map), or who were pro haxors like Bison and George)."
Damn you, making fun of me. Revenge will be mine (voteban -> 4 -> kebab -> Hacking).
The whole stacking issue is dumb in my opinion.  If you don't want maps to be one sided, then remove all the one sided maps from the server.  First of all, there is really no such thing as balance.  95% of the time there will be a person on one team dominating everyone and no matter what team he is on, it wont cause balance.  Moving that player would just cause change, not balance.  Either he will keep winning on the other side, or start losing on the other side.  That isn't balance.  That is throwing a guy on the other team and hoping that somehow makes everyone on each team have the exact same kdr and make every game end with a 10-10 score.  I suggest, if you are going to join the hard team with this sense of dignity and honor, don't start whining if other people don't do the same.  Whining just makes you look like an ass.  You accepted the challenge.  Fucking deal with it.
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JackMonroe Wrote:The whole stacking issue is dumb in my opinion.  If you don't want maps to be one sided, then remove all the one sided maps from the server.  First of all, there is really no such thing as balance.  95% of the time there will be a person on one team dominating everyone and no matter what team he is on, it wont cause balance.  Moving that player would just cause change, not balance.  Either he will keep winning on the other side, or start losing on the other side.  That isn't balance.  That is throwing a guy on the other team and hoping that somehow makes everyone on each team have the exact same kdr and make every game end with a 10-10 score.  I suggest, if you are going to join the hard team with this sense of dignity and honor, don't start whining if other people don't do the same.  Whining just makes you look like an ass.  You accepted the challenge.  Fucking deal with it.

Fuckin' QFT. I stack sometimes, but mostly I just play on the team my steam buddies play on. I never complain about people stacking or whatever, regardless of the team I'm on. It's a game and I try to have fun with my friends. I can do that even if my team is losing.
[Image: stalker_2011.png]
I notice many people whining while stacking about people camping in losing team and ask me to slay them. Last time I heard slay campers from ronus when I had 8 people in my team, other team had 15. Other people whining about team stacking when they accepted the challenge. I proposed auto assign only option, but it's been denied. Fuck team stacking threads. Fuck people asking to balance. Fuck teamstackers. I personally enjoy the game with any conditions, I balanced teams in past because I was looking for some sort of harmony, no whining, challenging for both teams. It was fun for me to look how people who care about points keep re-stacking, I was observing their behaviors while kept hitting actions in admin menu, it's fun, even more than that, it's fun that will never be punished, because we have a rule about team stacking in MOTD. Every admin abuse thread about slaying for re-stacking or switching to other team is a lot of fun to me, I enjoy and smile at every abuse thread they posted. I have nothing more to add=) get a life, breathe in some fresh air, there are many more important things in life than team stacking in css... If you join it to take some rest from life, don't whine.

To people like silly: enjoy quoting parts of this post to your favor, when asking to remove my admin. =)
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
I just move people if teams are stacked or join the losing team. If there's still no change then I will...erh....Uhm....rq Tongue

Anyways, what's the !swapteam plugin?
Lol, feelings get hurt when I call you out? 
Quote:Coincidentally, I changed to t soon later, and we managed to win a couple of rounds before the map changed to italy
  That's why I called you out.  You would be surprised how far guilt tripping goes.  Did I switch you? No.  I merely, suggested that you are weaker player in an effort to get you to change sides on your own.  A lot of times this works so I don't have balance teams.  If you go the statistics route you need to take in mind how often train is played with low players count.  It is quite easy to win train, as any map, if there is a low player count.

Jack- It is a balancing issue.  Often time one or two players swap and the map is fair, i.e. not 15 vs 4 in the final moments of the rounds.  I get annoyed because the same people play the easy side round after round.  I watch the server die.  I would love italy, dust, nuke, and a few others to be taken out of rotation, but too many players like these maps. 

Then the only time team balancing would be issue is when a team has too many skilled players.  Once in a blue moon I have to balance people to the easy-side.  I have noticed when the easy-side loses people frequently quit faster.

Find it funny that 2 maps of trash talking got you to QQ in the forums.  I usually can guilt trip/trash talk players I know not to be a bitch and go on the easy side.  I got it that sometimes people want to take a break and not try so hard or play with friends.  It would be nice if decent players would try to balance things out.

BTW How did I go too far about stacking?  Let the melodrama ensue. 
silly doesnt stack, he always joins the losing team, i believe ive played with him more than anyone else infact my 800 hours on css, 80% of it was spent playing with silly on the same server he doesnt stack, i believe he will do fine even if his team was losing hes a very skilled player and he doesnt need to stack teams to get some kills, besides what if he auto assigned and it happened to be ct side?
It's true that the stacking issue is kinda hurting the servers. I wouldn't say it's really the fault of the stackers, but more the fault of the voting system and some of the maps we have on the server. Stacked maps seem to get upvoted way more than the balanced maps and the first map in the list seems to get picked the majority of the time. I've played more aztec, train, and nuke than any other map on the servers. I am so sick of aztec.
[Image: stalker_2011.png]
agreed, honestly i do stack here n there, cause sometimes im just chillin n not attempting to try at all. im just there to have fun. when i play serious though id like to help the losing team.

i think the better way to deal with it is just move people around as an admin to balance the teams cause we all know the autobalance in the servers r really terrible
Helmut^ : Black dont act as if you don't wall
B L A C K D Y N A M I T E : lol record me
Helmut^ Confusedo you can pretend like you cant see people through walls? no thanks

*DEAD* Helmut : chun is such bullshit
*DEAD* Helmut : lmfao
*DEAD* Helmut : what a fucking joke

Helmut: you're so full of shit chun
ChuN*BWP*: then your bad dude...
Helmut: right kid

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