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Any certain sports you kids are into?
Chess, Basketball.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
Schlacko, while being crude and direct in his arguments, just might have a point.

Just google "is golf a sport or a game?".

Quote:Golf does not even rise to the level of "a good walk spoiled" because the primary action of walking is not required. So says PGA Tour v. Martin (2001) where the Supreme Court ordered the PGA to allow disabled golfer Casey Martin to use a golf cart in between holes rather than walk. The Court supported its decision by finding that whether a golfer walks between holes does not "fundamentally alter the nature" of the game. How can you call something a sport where being ambulatory is not a basic minimum physical requirement?

[Image: woods_daly-thumb-470x430-68962.jpg]
For all the headway Tiger Woods has made in making golfers strive to be more athletic, there is John Daly. Photos by Getty Images

Quote:In this case, it presents 12 arguments on each side of the issue. Among the 12 is both sides arguing about the dictionary definition of a sport vs. a game. Pro: "Merriam-Webster defines sport as 'physical activity engaged in for pleasure: a particular activity (as an athletic game).'" Con: "Golf better matches the defintion of a game than a sport. Merriam-Webster defines a game as an 'activity engaged in for diversion or amusement.'"
To counter the argument that "the golf swing uses at least 17 muscle groups in the coordinated movement of the hands, wrists, arms, abdomen, and legs according to a study in the British Medical Journal," the Con side cites John Daly. Well, not specifically, but it does say that "if it can be done while drinking and smoking, then it is not a sport." The website does feature a photograph of an overweight Daly hitting a shot with a cigarette in his mouth.

be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
And that statement proves to me that you have not played golf to a large degree.

Mini golf is entirely different from real golf. The conditions aren't standard you have a ton of flaws with the club, ball, course, and it doesn't require a great deal of skill, most of it is luck.

Real golf takes years of practice to develop. You do have to hone your body with the right technique, form, and athleticism. Saying that you don't just displays arrogance. Golf does use one's entire body, anticipation, brain for strategy, hand-eye coordination and creativity. It's not an easy sport to pick up because of it. If you don't believe it does, go play a round with a pro, hell even an amateur. Like I said before, it does require a good amount of strength to consistently drive a golf ball 300 yards at the end of the front 9. You have to have enough determination to overcome poor shots, a strong mindset to know how far you're behind the leader. You have to have a strong core strength especially to have the consistency that one needs to succeed.

Ignorance of a sport doesn't mean that one cannot dismiss it as one.

Why is it that your "real athletes" consider golf a sport, and you don't? Surely their opinions as real athletes override yours. It sure does to me.

Double post

Spartacus, 2 flaws. So you're saying you need to be able to walk for it to be considered a sport or an athlete? Then what about the Special Olympics, people who can't walk play in a variety of activities like track cycling, and others.

The problem with your second article is that most sports can be played by smoking and drinking. Baseball used chewing tobacco, I play basketball and football drunk and can smoke while I play too. Sure I won't be the best but then again the main thing John is at good at is hitting the ball long.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
"Sport is generally recognised as activities which are based in physical athleticism or PHYSICAL DEXTERITY."

Sports where the focus lies on the aerobic or anaerobic aren't the only sports. A lot of sports are a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic activity and technique (soccer, combat sports, hockey, etc...). In other sports the focus lies much more on technique yes, but it's still a sport.

And you don't need to face your opponent eye to eye to be competing, for example: time trials in cycling or triathlon races.

To me this just sounds just like 'my sport is better than yours' or 'my music is better than yours'

PS: I hate golf.
Schlacko's main driving point that a sport is an activity where the athlete has to be physically fit in order to play it well. (Football/Basketball/Track/Cycling/Baseball/Tennis/Badminton)

I bet he won't call John Daly an athlete. Anyway yeah, its a good argument. (What is a sport and what isn't?)

Is snooker/pool a sport?
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
Wouldn't call NASCAR drivers physically fit, nor baseball players, not some football players to name a few.

It's not a strong driving point and blatantly ignores other key concepts.

Also John Daly doesn't play that well.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
George Of The Jungle, post: 70935, member: 3094 Wrote:To me this just sounds just like 'my sport is better than yours' or 'my music is better than yours'

Wrong. I absolutely loathe basketball. It's the stupidest, lamest, boring-est of all sports/games. I hate it far more than bowling and golf. But it is a sport, and it is athletic. It's an athletic waste of time that fools enjoy, but it's an athletic competition. Golf and bowling aren't as lame, but they're also not sports. I laugh at people who have to run to a dictionary so it can argue in their place. I'm talking about the meaning of the word sport, not the technical definition. Try having an original fucking thought instead of 'wah wah the dictionary says this' fucking crybaby bastards.

Joker8baller is generally not worth talking to on any subject, even if we were to agree, but I will say one thing, just because I like hockey players doesn't mean I'm going to agree with all of them, wtf? They're going to have conflicting opinions anyways...what a stupid thing to let someone you're a fan of's opinion override your own.
Ash's opinion on the subject.

"Why is it that your "real athletes" consider golf a sport, and you don't? Surely their opinions as real athletes override yours. It sure does to me." holy shit, probably the most ignorant thing I've ever read on the internet.
Can't respond to my points? Ah, I see. Even if your real athletes consider it a sport, you can't.

Your arguments are flawed, you're a bad troll on the forums, the chat box, and the server. Reminds me a lot like Registry.

PS, you saying crybabies is like the pot calling the kettle black.

Golf still fulfills the meaning of the word, sport. Sorry that you're too strongly opinionated and arrogant to accept that others may disagree and many of your true athletes think you're wrong.

/done. I'm going back to work and enjoying my day.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Joker you're too dumb to argue with. If you ever agree with something I say (which I hope you don't) please let me know so I can then reconsider my position.
joker8baller, post: 70943, member: 835 Wrote:Can't respond to my points? Ah, I see. Even if your real athletes consider it a sport, you can't.

Your arguments are flawed, you're a bad troll on the forums, the chat box, and the server. Reminds me a lot like Registry.

PS, you saying crybabies is like the pot calling the kettle black.

Golf still fulfills the meaning of the word, sport. Sorry that you're too strongly opinionated and arrogant to accept that others may disagree and many of your true athletes think you're wrong.

/done. I'm going back to work and enjoying my day.


Schlacko, post: 70944, member: 2312 Wrote:Joker you're too dumb to argue with. If you ever agree with something I say (which I hope you don't) please let me know so I can then reconsider my position.


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