<3 Dk...but that isnt always true the math is wrong......
Quote:The plugin balances based off of GameMe stats.
and some people stack all day...it just needs a few tweaks.
Quote:Yesterday it was like 8-1 on pop maps and spartacus got switched with another player and < joined the team that was already winning, which made team ever more stacked of course.
raw addition...I think Bison can make this better.
Quote:No point switching the good players from the losing team if they are already grtting pwned badly in the game.
ya the gameme stats are false...it should go with the top 5 players on each team for any given map.
I'm not sure if that can be implemented though. I hope it can...but the team scores per-map seem to be pretty even. (with a few exceptions)
I would have to say overall it is working with a few setbacks.
_edit_ 40 man pub is a hell of a lot different then a 10 man pub...
I approve this application.