Aug 30 2018, 10:47 PM
(Aug 29 2018, 09:53 PM)Blu3z Wrote: unlike you, i didn't cheat. You got fucking badmins on here who do their job incorrectly and then don't take the steps to fix their mistakes. Then you have a server owner who's more inactive than a 40 year old 600 pound whale in the basement who hasn't moved any part of his body but his hands in 20 years. I get that people are "busy" But it would take maybe 30 minutes to get proper information and realize this ban is a false ban. seriously lol,
I resent that remark. I hear this enough in game and I am tired of you people coming in here with your skinny noodle arms looking like toothpicks poking fun at my soon to be muscle flab.
Enjoy your vacation!!