Aug 30 2011, 12:27 AM
I think an important issue needs to be brought up regarding angry animals. I believe the root of your angry is because you guys are stinky. You need to ensure you dry off completely after you bathe. This is assuming that you bathe, which I know a lot of your smelly members don't. Additionally, leave in spray conditioner may be applied after you have dried off. This can be found at most pet stores.
Another symptom to this problem could be lack of walks. I notice my animals become angry and aggitated if they are not exercised properly.
I am an avid supporter a APSCA and if your animals continue to be angry I will have to report your leadership. This is abuse.
Another symptom to this problem could be lack of walks. I notice my animals become angry and aggitated if they are not exercised properly.
I am an avid supporter a APSCA and if your animals continue to be angry I will have to report your leadership. This is abuse.