Jul 25 2012, 10:58 AM
Although intended to curb the use of auto snipers in the server, this plugin appears to have had the opposite effect. There was a substantial increase in autos following this plugin. ARYA for instance, at one point was a foremost hater and advocate of banning all things auto. He's now an avid user of the auto sniper. What does it all mean!? :eek:
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol