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How I feel wL today
I think I started playing War-lords servers back in like july of 2012. I am coming up on that 1 year of playing and although I have had my ups and downs here, it has still been awesome!!
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 96355, member: 9457 Wrote:Yeah yeah, good times for sure.
too bad the bear hunting season is over Sad
Assassin, post: 96551, member: 2398 Wrote:too bad the bear hunting season is over Sad
I still mean to have you tried for your digital war crimes.
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 96582, member: 9457 Wrote:I still mean to have you tried for your digital war crimes.
If only you knew how much profit i got from selling dead bears fur. Getting me tried? fuzakenaideyo bakayaro Omae o korosu :p
whoa fuzzy you gonna take that "baka" insult?
ill insult you back in Russian, sukka.

Double post

jk Wink
btw, Izzie, how is your Russian going? Can you speak it fluently now? You have been studying for it for centuries now.
Sibrox, post: 96068, member: 14065 Wrote:I was a complete stranger when I first joined in the server.

many were.
not just you, duh.
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
[Image: 2dgqm84.png]
[Image: dejxg5dm1cglfstk5w.png]
Many are still strangers.
[Image: 34grqxg.png]
[Image: 168hp2u.png]

wL is like a different type of community compared to previous ones I've played in.

As far as CS:GO // CS:S debate, I've tried CS:GO minigames, they are not as fun as CS:S ones imo, I only play CS:GO for Deathmatch or Competitive only.
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--- War-Lords Veteran / STEAM ID: flamewarden77 ---
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