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Counter Strike Complete Giveaway [CLOSED]
Buggy, post: 99326, member: 17132 Wrote:I would love to enter in this giveaway but I already have all the games... Sad

you could gift it too..
lin0x, post: 99329, member: 17120 Wrote:you could gift it too..

If you already own all of these games you are not eligible.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
I just came to Canada 1 year ago. I was very scared. I am originally from Egypt. My goal was to get higher than 90's in everything at school starting from grade 7. I got a 92% overall and I got 4 certificates in math and science competitions all over Canada. I was also one of my teachers' favorites. I would like this pack because It is pretty much impossible for me to buy any of these games and I want to gift some people that really helped me. I would also like to try the cs 1.6 and global offensive. I don't own any of these games. I only tried css. I would also want this game because my parents wont buy it for me cuz they just dont like video games but they said it's fine if somebody gifted me it of i saved for it and saving for the games is pretty much impossbile for me because I dont get that much of money.

Also I had a goal in soccer to go to tier 1(the best level) and to be the captain and I did achieve this goal from the first year. We got gold in 4 out of 8 tournaments, silver in 3 out of 8 tournaments and bronze in the last tournament. I think these are probably the only goals I had once I came Canada and I still want to continue in more achievements.

My last goal was to try to be a like a native canadian and I pretty much achieved it. I made tons of friends even from high school. People was talking to me like I am one of them. I think it was really hard at the beginning to adapt to the new environment but when I saw people it wasn't a big problem.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:853762807
Your "school goals" are boring. I expected some more ultimate goal. Something like "my mother was crocodile and I am Mrs. America" type of story.
[Image: jqmd52.png][Image: Craack.gif]
My ultimate goal is to become president! My father is Barack Obama.
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]
Moriarty, post: 99332, member: 9168 Wrote:Your "school goals" are boring. I expected some more ultimate goal. Something like "my mother was crocodile and I am Mrs. America" type of story.

srsly? I am 13 what do u expect that's mostly the only goal i have for right now.
Also I had a goal in soccer to go to tier 1(the best level) and to be the captain and I did achieve this goal from the first year. We got gold in 4 out of 8 tournaments, silver in 3 out of 8 tournaments and bronze in the last tournament. I think these are probably the only goals I had once I came Canada and I still want to continue in more achievements.

Double post

Neo//._., post: 99334, member: 14824 Wrote:My ultimate goal is to become president! My father is Barack Obama.

omargh, post: 99335, member: 17191 Wrote:srsly? I am 13 what do u expect that's mostly the only goal i have for right now.

Double post


If you were such a good boy.Why do you act up online?
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]
Neo//._., post: 99336, member: 14824 Wrote:If you were such a good boy.Why do you act up online?

Games especially steam games are the most games i like, so, computer games are source of fun for me.
Games are for everyone, i have a life dude. I amn't a nerd lol.

Double post

When r u going to announce the winner?
My Goal was to achieve a positive win to lose ratio in wrestling. I achieved it through my season after winning third at all city finals in San Francisco. I've also spent very hardwork bulking up mass. My goal was to hit 150 by June and i Did. I went up from 116 at 8% bodyfat to 150 at 10% bodyfat through dieting and working out with 4000 calorie diet with suffering foods such as chicken, brown rice, brocoli, no soda, no crap food etc
[Image: 642774_101.png][Image: 716635_101.png]
[Image: 84678_ORIG-happy_dance_midget.gif]
Stop Complaining and Pick up A Dumbell
this is interesting, and I own none of these games.
cucubelu, post: 99324, member: 15378 Wrote:I hope some of the non-steamers here will take the opportunity to compete!

I hope so. but since I'm not that excited to get all these games,
I'll just watch these amazing people with amazing achievements.
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
[Image: 2dgqm84.png]
[Image: dejxg5dm1cglfstk5w.png]

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