The only one that could seem like hacking is the one with the smoke in garage (awpsoleet2, tick ~1650), but really, that's just smart playing to look outside of the smoke. A lot of these can easily be radar, like the other kill in garage (awpsoleet3, tick ~3200). These two clips could both easily be smart playing. The other clips don't seem one bit suspicious. In fact, in the fifth clip, he's killed by someone coming out of T Spawn that he could have avoided had he been wallhacking or whatever (awpsoleet5, tick ~3300).
I will admit, I was a bit surprised by the ban when it happened, so I was eager to see the evidence. I've played with Awpsoleet plenty, and yeah, he's kind-of absurdly good, but he never once came off as a hacker. Just a smart player, like any of the other players that frequently have 100 kill games. (Additionally, I've never had too much trouble doming Awp a few times a game

) Just my two cents. The fellow is fun to play with and I never thought he was a hacker, but I trust the admins to make the right choice, as they probably know more than I do about the game.