Jan 04 2014, 04:17 PM
Name: Dunno, havn't played on CSS for over a year, and i regularly change my name
SteamID: ragedzombiekiller
Server: (wL) Popular maps
When i log on to the server it tells me to go and visit this website. The last time i played in a (wL) server was probably 2 years ago, and i just recently started playing CSS again. If anyone can give me info when and for what i was banned, that'll be great
. I gave my steam to my nephew for a day and maybe he did it, i have no idea
SteamID: ragedzombiekiller
Server: (wL) Popular maps
When i log on to the server it tells me to go and visit this website. The last time i played in a (wL) server was probably 2 years ago, and i just recently started playing CSS again. If anyone can give me info when and for what i was banned, that'll be great