Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:63279316
Age: 24 ( still very young
Timezone: (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Availability: 2 pm till 3 am (playtime) and 15-24 hrs (steam online)
Tell us something about yourself: I am a Doctor as well as a gamer which is totally contrary. I am full of surprises. i am not a muscular like a Kingkong :p i like sharing moments and helping out others
. I respect the person who respect me
Reason For Admin Application: I like warlord server and i play most of the time in office and dust2 server ASIA. I like to have fair play which is hardly seen. Most of the time one team is deliberately stacked. Some players camp till the last minutes just to survive the round or to save the gun he has....which make others frustrated and make the game so boring (not only me but also the rest of the players). Even i used to get angry at some players who did so, but they don't bother. Some purposely spamming mic and chat even radio command. Most of players abusing other players ( in terms of skill , origin, nationality,etc.) quite often. Some have racist remark on other players. Might be some admins ( hardly 3-4) tried their best to resolve the situation, but they are not there all the time along. So i would like to extend my hand to help the server , making a better place to play and everyone enjoy the game.
With regards, KINGKONG
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:63279316
Age: 24 ( still very young

Timezone: (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Availability: 2 pm till 3 am (playtime) and 15-24 hrs (steam online)
Tell us something about yourself: I am a Doctor as well as a gamer which is totally contrary. I am full of surprises. i am not a muscular like a Kingkong :p i like sharing moments and helping out others

Reason For Admin Application: I like warlord server and i play most of the time in office and dust2 server ASIA. I like to have fair play which is hardly seen. Most of the time one team is deliberately stacked. Some players camp till the last minutes just to survive the round or to save the gun he has....which make others frustrated and make the game so boring (not only me but also the rest of the players). Even i used to get angry at some players who did so, but they don't bother. Some purposely spamming mic and chat even radio command. Most of players abusing other players ( in terms of skill , origin, nationality,etc.) quite often. Some have racist remark on other players. Might be some admins ( hardly 3-4) tried their best to resolve the situation, but they are not there all the time along. So i would like to extend my hand to help the server , making a better place to play and everyone enjoy the game.
With regards, KINGKONG