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Can we get some admins to spectate wl awp servers theres far too many people suddenly able to bhop like no tomorrow and I thought that kind of thing was bannable?
bhop script = BAN
[Image: Photo%20collage-climate%20scenarios-glob...k=rcowMNf5]
We will try our BEST. but incase if no admin is available.... make a demo and report it to the forum .
[Image: 76561198086824360.png]
[Image: 1063972_101.png]

I agree, there are quite a few players who bhop perfectly every time/no matter what... so much so that it seems scripted to me. However, it can be pretty difficult to discern between a legit bhopper and a script, cuz some players have just practiced for years (this games been out a long time)... But whatever the case, I don't feel confident enough in my ability to tell the difference, so I'll leave that up to others (if anyone could describe how to tell whether someone is scripting or not, please explain).

Bhopping is fun, and pretty addicting... I can't even count the number of times I've died because I was trying to bhop, lol. I'm still pretty terrible at it though (prob cuz I use pretty low sens).

IMO excessive bhopping on the Sniper server is (what I like to call) a "pussy tactic." I say this because on those types of maps, whichever team gains control of the middle area/upper levels first generally wins... and if you can bhop down the side to flank your enemy right at the beginning of the map (i.e. way faster than players would reach that spot by running), naturally you're going to catch most of the team off-guard. I personally feel that this shows a lack of confidence in one's sniping ability/skill, because you're relying on your ability to surprise the enemy/get easy kills/gain a strategic advantage (like control of mid) with techniques that most players haven't mastered; in other words, you're giving yourself a huge advantage every round that players who don't/can't bhop are unable to compete with... which I think is a bit cowardly (hence "pussy tactic").

Additionally, bhopping means that you're airborne more often than not while moving, which greatly increases your chances of getting "legged" by shots that otherwise would have killed you. I've noticed as well that the people who bhop the most tend to also be the deagle spammers/"deag pussies" (that's what I call them :p ). The deagle may not be able to compete much with the AWP at long range, but a lot of these maps are pretty small, and if you can bounce into the enemy camp with a deagle it's pretty easy to pop a few heads before anyone even really noticed you're there.

All that said, bhopping is one thing I don't complain about or give people a hard time for in-game. It's a little annoying, but it's also not that hard to kill them if you know what you're doing. Especially if you expect people to come bouncing around the corner early on, you can just wait them out and pick them off as they appear. :p If nothing else, it can be a fun challenge... and it's pretty satisfying when you snipe them when they're moving really fast Wink
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