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Clan: Minion's Gang'
Hello guys! Recently released movie named minions.
I have decided to create a clan named 'Minions gang'.
Intersted persons who are willing to join this clan can join!
There is no thing that only steam members r only accepted even non steamers are also accepted!
If willing type ur skill and which gun and which map ur good.
this clan is Free.
If willing jst let me know.

Steam ID:
Skill {ur skill and which gun and which map ur good}:
Invite me pls
Name: nos-TEAM
Age: 19
SteamID: Linked on my profile, nosteam account for css:
Country: Russia, Italy
Fav maps and guns: jacs multigames,  Paintball source, auto snipe, pro90, awp
Used to be a member of every single nosteamers clan on wl mini games (your might be the next one) and top10 of wl mini games server
Play Mini Games in CSS for 3,5 years
Gud man! But my wish is accepting ur no steam account. Cuz im no steam and i dont have steam and i cannot send invites. If u r willing to join with steam ID Just with clan there will be no there.
There is no thing that only steam members r only accepted even non steamers are also accepted!

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