Nov 18 2016, 04:26 PM
(This post was last modified: Nov 18 2016, 04:30 PM by Ben-.)
Ive talked with about 10-15 différent player about this, everyone seemed interested, we should make a poll about the format.
If we make it as good old "teams" format (not 10 man or random teams), we need to make 4 différent teams minimum, with a rws limit, i can already confirm that we have enough players, we could get an interesting amount of team if we are permitted to do some publicities in servers, and we could also get a couple of asian and euro teams.
We need to make it a friday or a saturday night, not 2 late or soon for asians or euro players.
We need to establish a rws limit before making teams for obvious reasons. And how to chose Maps.
(French autocorrect is a pain in the as)