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Approved  Permanently Banned
I was recently permanently banned by Calisnipe for reason: Previous Bans on Record - Racism/Trolling/Avoiding Ignores/Disrupting The Server/Admin Disrespect.

First, I would like to know if it is possible to be cumulatively banned (which means that I am being banned for everything else Ive already been banned for.)

Even without context, if you look at my bans it is clear that I don't have a ban for admin disrespect (aside from this one).
Now lets take a look at these bans within their context. The ban for leaving is self explanatory. The ban for "back in 09" and the 4 kicks following were all reported for kick abuse and were ruled on by Bison here: The following two bans were for the same reason, Ben initially banned me and then I submitted a ban appeal and was approved as seen here: That covers 2 of the 3 racism accusations. Bison banned me for circumventing the ignore function, which I took and didn't appeal because i deserved it. The following ban was by Ben for disrupting the server which I found silly because I wasn't so I appealed it and was denied but the ban was reduced to expiration. The most recent one is by Calisnipe who banned me for racism which if anyone watches the demo (as provided by this: can see that I was making a satirical joke towards a Serbian by making a middle eastern joke (and if you dont know, Serbia is not in the middle east). Finally it comes to the last 3 vote kicks which I reported because it was legitimate abuse (I didn't say anything for the entirety of the Nuke match were I was kicked twice, off of spec may I add).

Before I share my thoughts on this ban I would like to bring attention to the map picking system. I bring this up because most people accuse me of trolling because I pick the maps I like, which doesn't seem to go with their agenda. In warmup when the maps are going to be picked everyone has 2 options, to play for captains or to RWS balance teams and vote on a map. I pick captains because I like it and have a chance to pick my favorite maps. I play and when I win people always make a fuss about the map I choose or how I became captain. I see this as a bit silly since everyone by now knows that I like these maps and am willing to play them, why don't people pick RWS balance once they see me join? Bison made some well informed changes to the map pool which removed piranesi and chateau based on statistical information. I appreciate people who look at a situation and look at the numbers within their context rather than basing arguments on feelings.

I will consider the arguments made against me for when I pick a map during warmup. People say that I bait for captain. I don't bait for captain since I actively try to get kills during the captains round and often do. I have seen people sit behind boxes and wait for captain, which is something I don't do. I have also seen people call out my position specifically which I found childish and ineffective. I see the captains round as an opportunity to pick my maps and enjoy playing them, and most people like captains round as well and want to use it to pick their favorite maps as well, but when someone whines about the map I choose after I win the captains round it defeats the purpose of a captains round. We might as well just ask people which maps they like and if they are not overused maps, then they will just never get a chance to win captains round because everyone will just complain or an admin will change the map back. I don't mind people stacking the odds against me in a captains round, I feel like its good competition, but others will get really mad if I win those stacked rounds.

Aside from the maps which is not a legitimate form of trolling. People seem to think that I troll in game, which is not the case either, I play to win and sometimes I dont do as well as others but that doesnt mean that I am trolling. Another thing people say it that I buy troll guns, which doesnt make sense either, because if we think of a scenario where someone is really good at using the pump shotgun and they actively buy the shotty, would it be considered trolling? I use the guns I know how to use, you dont often see me buy the pump shotgun because I rarely use it, but I buy tmp, mac, autoshotty, etc. I dont buy awps because my sensitivity is too high for me to be accurate with them.

I think with that I addressed all of the concerns of those that think I troll.

On to the topic of racism. I am not racist. period. I made one joke and took the ban like a man should. Afterwards, I stopped making jokes that were racially based. Since we are on the topic of the racism accusation, I would like to bring attention to Hammearox quote, "The original punishment was founded to be too small for the amount of bans present and thus increased." which just shows that he did not view the previous bans within their context (which If he did, he would have noticed that every time I was accused they were wrong) Thread where quote was taken from:

The next item on Calisnipes list of reasons, avoiding ignores. It happened in December and I was banned for it, I have not circumvented ignores since I came back in January.

Next item, disrupting the server. Ben banned me for that and the ban was shortened to expiration. If you are talking about any other times please link the demos to the matches where I was participating in alleged actions.

Admin Disrespect is the final thing on this list and while we are at it, I would like to add the accusation from Hammaerox in quote, " It seems that you have 15 bans on your 1 account in the past 2 months alone from many different admins. We have received many reports of trolling and disrespect from you." from the thread: I want to quantify this claim, I don't have 15 bans in the last 2 months a time span of two months would be starting December 23 to February 23 (yesterday). and in that time I have only had 5 bans, 3 of which are vote kicks which were under question at the time of the report. But the most alarming part of this reply is the following: We have received many reports of trolling and disrespect from you. In this thread I have responded to the trolling accusations. and now I will be responding to the disrespect accusations. I don't consider myself disrespectful. I often call people bad and noobs as a staple joke of mine, sometimes i get frustrated at the ability of players but I deal with it and move on (I still call them noobs though). This is probably no different to Kobe having his bind for "yablow" or "Juan deag nerd" and constantly calling people bad for not doing something (I dont consider what hes doing as abuse or disrespect, I find it funny most of the time). Sometimes people seem to ignore me immediately after I called them a noob for losing an easy clutch, a very appropriately childish response to friendly banter. As far as admin disrespect, I don't disrespect anyone but I have mentioned a couple times that I consider some admins to be a bit childish at times, and some admins don't actually look at things objectively which I was trying to point out by reporting Cali twice for admin abuse.

Finally, I will talk about how I feel of this situation. I feel that everyone here is here to have fun playing some pugs and enjoying their time here. I feel the same way. I do, however, feel that the admins have been accustomed to playing the maps they like and consider anyone that wants to play anything else trolls. I have not enjoyed my treatment by the admins. I have done what most people do on the servers anyways, and I feel like I have been pushed to the side because of my voice and what others consider trolling (I am actually 21, I have a high pitched voice, I have a shit life, all these things are true). I see this as mob mentality, that once an admin doesn't like someone, they will induce that negativity about someone on to others and then the whole community becomes polarized by the issue. Most people have me muted except for admins because they are trying to find me doing something even slightly off par with what they consider normal. The people that have me muted (from what I hear) talk bad about me when Im there dispite me not saying ayhting to them or even in the case where I was vote kicked they didnt see anything wrong until nme brought it up. Ex moe.ron has me ignored and even then he voted to kick me, I heard from others that I can hear in the most recent match d2 or nuke.

I would really like Bison or Riser to look into this issue, because this ban appeal contains complaints about the Senior Admin, which has the ability to close threads and allow no further discussion despite there being room for clarification.

If there is any specific reasons why anyone considers any of the arguments in the ban valid, please let me know so that I can let you know how i view the matter you bring up. I am disappointed  this got so far. I have no demo to link since this ban is about my previous bans and not a specific occasion.

Seems the ban was reduced to expiration.
I joined a game and Cali joins to perm ban me again.
The ban has been put back on, thank you for the notification - please wait for a root admins response as to why it was removed, thank you.
Seems the ban was erased. Never seen that before. The ban no longer shows up, doesn't say unbanned, wasn't reduced, its gone.
Yeah probably Bison removed it by himself, take a look at this
wish he would've commented here instead, as I didn't get a notification, I guess the ban was removed.
Big Grin
[Image: keep-calm-and-stop-being-annoying-6.png]

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