Mar 04 2017, 02:45 AM
1. Bring back captain.
-Pugs right now are unbalanced at a rate ive never ever experienced on (wL) and being able to pick 1 or 2 players you want to play with, instead of getting a probability, is better.
2. Make a top5 leaderboard for adr, fpr and win ratio (W-T-L).
-ADR and FPR are good stats and more interesting to know then top5 nades or top5 smgs. Win ratio would be cool af, seeing who are the most team oriented players would be a great addition to the (wL) experience.
3. Make a top50 instead of top5 for leaderboard (top5 shown, top50 by clicking on it) or copy esea weapons stats.
- That would be a way of making weapons stats without out right copying esea.
4. (Question) Why Karma and Reputation aren't the same thing ?
5. (Fun) A dedicated section of the forum for the Lord God Emperor Reckless. Otherwise there will be a holy war between the RWS Church and the Reckless Faith.
-With a wall on the first page, of all the saints (trolls and oldies) we gained and lost serving the Reckless faith, and the killers (good players) that left the holy land (wL), since The Lord (Reckless) came into our gamer lives ! Praise the Lord !
6. Please, if you do not change the RWS current system, at least switch the name of the "foe" thing.
-Because foeing people that aren't my enemies is weird and insulting, im ignoring them instead, then i get 10 messages on steam of how rude i am, when im trying to remain civil. Maybe a name switch to rival, or Unwarranted, idk.
7. Having admins who wants to organize tournaments show up.
-We got a big thread about a new tournament, but it gonna be impossible to make 1, if no admin organize it, or at least set up the private servers (since captain is gone).
No hard feelings, i enjoyed playing here a lot, but now not so much, those buffs could make (wL) great again !
-Pugs right now are unbalanced at a rate ive never ever experienced on (wL) and being able to pick 1 or 2 players you want to play with, instead of getting a probability, is better.
2. Make a top5 leaderboard for adr, fpr and win ratio (W-T-L).
-ADR and FPR are good stats and more interesting to know then top5 nades or top5 smgs. Win ratio would be cool af, seeing who are the most team oriented players would be a great addition to the (wL) experience.
3. Make a top50 instead of top5 for leaderboard (top5 shown, top50 by clicking on it) or copy esea weapons stats.
- That would be a way of making weapons stats without out right copying esea.
4. (Question) Why Karma and Reputation aren't the same thing ?
5. (Fun) A dedicated section of the forum for the Lord God Emperor Reckless. Otherwise there will be a holy war between the RWS Church and the Reckless Faith.
-With a wall on the first page, of all the saints (trolls and oldies) we gained and lost serving the Reckless faith, and the killers (good players) that left the holy land (wL), since The Lord (Reckless) came into our gamer lives ! Praise the Lord !
6. Please, if you do not change the RWS current system, at least switch the name of the "foe" thing.
-Because foeing people that aren't my enemies is weird and insulting, im ignoring them instead, then i get 10 messages on steam of how rude i am, when im trying to remain civil. Maybe a name switch to rival, or Unwarranted, idk.
7. Having admins who wants to organize tournaments show up.
-We got a big thread about a new tournament, but it gonna be impossible to make 1, if no admin organize it, or at least set up the private servers (since captain is gone).
No hard feelings, i enjoyed playing here a lot, but now not so much, those buffs could make (wL) great again !