really? to see the conclusion you have to post the whole chat big boy (which im going to do right now)
Skid: seriously
Skid: what the fuck man
Skid: why did he ban me
Drago x): for wallhacking
Skid: -_-
Skid: are you fucking kidding me
Skid: you're joking right?
Skid: u have a demo i can see?
Drago x): he does
Skid: Can u get him to add me, i sent him a request
Drago x): i personally dont have him over steam but ill add him
Skid: i would really like to see this
Drago x): it will be posted in ur thread dont worry
Drago x): we dont ban people without evidence
Drago x): wait 15 mins he is eating
Skid: -_-
Drago x): you will get an answer shortlu
Drago x): shortly*
Skid: btw you're**
Skid: in ur post
Skid: and i don't see how anyone with a headset could even think that i have wallhack lmao
Skid: its a fucking pub match
Skid: lol
Drago x): its not a pub match
Drago x): its a pug
Skid: why would anyone use a cheat in a pug*
Drago x): and what does headset have to do with this
Skid: generally a
Skid: 'wallhacker'
Skid: i called a 'wallhacker'
Skid: because of footsteps.
Drago x): what are u trying to say here?
Skid: its 2017, people don't cheat man
Drago x): doesnt make sense
Skid: what im saying is the term 'wallhacker'
Skid: is vastly overused
Skid: I can not see players through walls
Skid: thus meaning i dont have wallhack
Skid: i can hear them tho
Skid: i also would hope his demo has team callouts aswell
Drago x): okay
Drago x): we will wait for him
Skid: 4:30 am lol that was gonna be my last pug haha
Skid: i guess i can wait a few
Drago x): your bad even with wallhack tho
Skid: if i did have wallhack, then that would be utterly sad
Skid: also, i generally do better, im pre tired haha
Drago x): why u dont admit it?
Skid: its all harmless talk
Skid: :')
Skid: why would i say i do something that i dont :')
Skid: LMAO
Skid: that would be absurd
Skid: hahahah
Skid: lemme see the demo, please haha
Skid: i can't wait haha
Skid: im definatly going to be debunking the entire thing
Skid: ill make a youtube video for it as a matter of fact
Skid: lmao
Skid: was the ban for this game
Skid: or one of the previous ones
Drago x): can u make ur profile public to friends or something please?
Skid: lmao why? haha
Drago x): if u say that u dont hack do that for me
Drago x): ur afraid?
Skid: i can, but i just wanna know why lol
Drago x): to see ur vac status
Skid: are you retarded?
Drago x): no
Skid: im not trying to be rude
Skid: but a vac ban shows regardless of a private profile
Skid: lmao
Drago x): nope
Skid: yeah actually
Drago x): but however make it public
Skid: lol whats the real reason lol
Drago x): i wanna see ur hours in game
Skid: here
Skid: there you go man
Drago x): didnt asked for a screenshot
Skid: lol i know
Skid: lol thats all u need man
Skid: haha
Skid: i can skype and show you
Skid: i honestly dont know what u want from my profile haha
Skid: i dont really feel comfortable opening it up for u lol
Drago x): look at my hours on steam
Skid: lol thats edited in chrome
Skid: lmao
Drago x): i can say the same about you
Skid: mine is from the steam application itself
Skid: lol
Skid: i can show u on skype haha
Drago x): i dont want to see a screenshot
Skid: and refresh the page 10000000 times if u like
Drago x): teamviewer then?
Skid: i dont have taht
Skid: that**
Drago x): download it
Skid: lol cant u control my pc with that shit
Skid: lol
Drago x): good luck with ur ban appeal

Skid: lmao alright haha
Skid: i don't really feel comfortable giving a person under 20 access to my mouse
Skid: lmao
Drago x): then make ur account public for a minute
Skid: :')
Skid: if ur gonna ban me for a private profile, please do so
Drago x): no ur banned for wallhacking , me as an admin im trying to investigate further
Skid: lmao
Skid: watch the demo
Skid: :')
Drago x): so if there is nothing to hide why dont u do that?
Skid: there isnt anything to hide lmao
Drago x): why dont u make ur profile public?
Skid: my steam level is higher than the screenshot
Skid: is that an issue
Skid: because i don't have to?
Skid: lmao
Skid: there is a reason steam allows for a private profile
Drago x): okay good luck and please dont waste my time anymore
Skid: how am i wasting ur time
Skid: by simply asking what right you have to make me unprivate my personal profile
Skid: i removed all personal information on my account for that screenshot
Skid: and i will not be going through all of that again
Drago x): tell me what personal information? dont be an idiot dude ,.. here its my public steam id tell me is there anything to hide? why u acting like a kid?
Skid: on yours nop
Skid: no
Skid: you dont have any information taht is personal
Skid: i have facebook friends on my steam
Skid: i have games that include facebook friends
Skid: i have a game that links to facebook
Drago x): im dead
Skid: with all data easilly accessed
Skid: i would rather not have my facebook link known
Skid: my first and last name are on my profile
Skid: my dob is aswell
Skid: my link to facebook is
Skid: my youtube is
Skid: my buisness link aswell
Skid: ^^ spellung
Drago x): omg you think we are idiots?
Skid: lmao
Skid: what makes you think that
Drago x): stop bullshiting
Skid: my bio is filled with personal info
Skid: lmao
Skid: just because you're 15 or whatever
Skid: you believe that im bullshitting
Skid: lmao
Skid: please just get the demo posted
Skid: and have a wonderful night
Skid: you're honestly pathetic.
Skid: "i need to see you hours played"
Skid: i show you
Skid: "i need to see your vac status"
Skid: it will show if im vac banned lmao
Skid: and if i was i couldnt play on ur server
Skid: u can take my ip address and look for another account if u like
Skid: as i dont have one
Skid: my account was a birthday present in 04
Skid: my brother got me css
Skid: he gave me his second account he had for backup
Skid: the creation date is in november of 03
Skid: which isnt long after u were born
Drago x): lmao, what a kid ......good luck with ur permanent ban which is never going to be lifted, cheating is not allowed now get out i dont want to waste my time
Skid: :')
Skid: im not even cheating
Skid: post that demo bud
Drago x): the other admin will and stop crying get out
Skid: :')
Skid: hhahahahha
Skid: you are one sad child
Skid: you have a pic of urself somewhere
Drago x): talking like this will make things worse
Skid: i would love to see obesity in the raw
Skid: talking like what
Skid: you mean being rude?
Skid: if you didnt try to force me into things that i don't want to do, then there wouldn't be an issue
Skid: That is against the united states constitution.
Skid: not even a cop can force me to do something lmao
Skid: who are you to say that i need to do something
Drago x): get the fuck out fucking kid