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Resolved  Deadie and Drago, 2 abusing admins.
I will make a good reply to this thread when i have enough time , and lets see if it is abuse or not.

Please wait patiently.
To Ben:

Ben said:-"Deadie and Drago passed next to the !ignore system on season (, by switching names, or by talking through the admin voice or by talking (once) through som1 else mic's that was open (dont remember which), or by getting anything i was saying copy pasted to them through steam."

U didnt ignore me on season map so i didnt passed any !ignore system so this is a lie,so even if i changed the names u didnt had me ignored and i didnt have you ignored so this part falls down aswell. Talking through admin voice? whats that? Through someone else mic? Wait is that my fault ? cmon.

Getting what was said copy pasted? Stop talking things without proofs like you always do, i was talking with marcos silva and gabe all the time on team chat (by pressing "u" button on keyboard)


Ben said:- "I even asked bison if this would be deleted before posting it, but those 2 "being warned" is far from enough, Drago has been admin for only 3 months, he already got 2 admin abuse thread on him (+this 1, so 3), he already got warned for the other stuff he did, he got warned today by bison so he probably ask Deadie to do this stupid abusive ban, to get me banned for reporting them for being abusive admins to bison."

Alright, ive been admin for 3 months thats right but ive done to this community more than you in your whole admin experience, cause you only take action when its on your benefit , you guys never think about players.

As you said there are 2 THREADS that say im admin abusing, this is the first one, who was banned for racism and i stepped up and unbanned him by my self, after 1 week, cause i was having a conversation with senior admin Hamaerox and he told me thats too much , and i listened to him and proceeded to unban by my self. I really dont see the admin abuse here. And that thread was closed for flaming, imagine what he can do in game.

Second one: and Hamaerox said the following to chronicle: Please keep in mind Drago did everything right in this situation and you will be banned and stay banned the next time something like this happens. By all accounts you should be banned but I noticed how shitty of a situation this was and am being nice. Please don't take my kindness for weakness.
This isnt an abuse again right? So no abuses until now.

And about this part where i said Deadie to ban you, bro you ever stop talking shit without any proof or evidence or something? why you talk about something you dont really know anything about it. Please stop talking things that are not real.


To 250:

250 said:- "I've never seen so many people banned by an admin. Drago must be the real deal. Wow.

Banning a player for server disruption/cheating is one thing, but to have the balls to ban another admin, one of the most active players on the server "Ben" that everyone knows........shows no respect for rules or warlords in general. Just remove his admin problem solved.

I think this is going to start a new rule. No admins are allowed to ban other admin on warlords. Only 250 has the authority to ban admins.

and deadie..tskk tskk. You should feel ashamed of yourself mr "noclip" "

Its maybe cause you dont play here as much as i do ? or maybe cause you dont do your work as admin? i dont really get why do u have ur admin yet. Tell me what did you do with your admin powers to fix the community? Or you dont really care about community?

And about my bans, go review the demos and if u see im wrong we can talk together.


To diro aka shit talker to players

"I have said this before and ill say this again,drago is overusing his admin powers and he's been doing since the first day he became an admin."

Lets not talk about you, i dont get how you are admin and u by ur self use @Admin Chat to talk to players that have you ignore, but dont worry a thread about you will come later or, just dont worry. Admins are not supposed to talk shit to players, but to behave well and u dont fullfill the first rule, what about the others? you are waste of time

So basicaly this is my response toward these fake statements, i would be happy to help you in any way i can.
"Admins are not supposed to talk shit to players, but to behave well and u dont fullfill the first rule, what about the others? you are waste of time"

God damn, contradicting yourself in 1 sentence and coming from you.

Just copy pasting before you edit your post.

"And please, dont spam. Lets wait for root admins."

ps. you're the one spamming rn
(Mar 14 2017, 12:11 PM)Ben- Wrote: "Admins are not supposed to talk shit to players, but to behave well and u dont fullfill the first rule, what about the others? you are waste of time"

God damn, contradicting yourself in 1 sentence and coming from you.

Just copy pasting before you edit your post.

are u blind? i said (to diro) u dont fullfill th first rule, what about the others(players)? Trying to make my words look bad but just look and read carefully god damn
(in this case the first thing you have to do is to behave well, its 1 of the most important rules)

You always like to reply quick, but next time try to understand the idea, then you can talk non-sense again.

And please, dont spam. Lets wait for root admins.
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This thread is more interesting than Fifty Shades Darker
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   Deadplanet, Drago
Just Go With IT. √

 Why are you even looking here? scroll down if you can.
(Mar 14 2017, 08:28 AM)Ben- Wrote:
(Mar 14 2017, 07:59 AM)Deadplanet Wrote: Making false claims again, mainly to make me look bad, so here it is.

I did not pass the ignore system, i even confirmed in with Bison since he checked the chat history, the only thing i said to you by using the all chat was "nice teamflash", which was more of a warning than using it to communicate.

Inappropriate language- Nice try making false claims again, saying i got triggered. On season i killed you continuously on the first couple rounds, and later on in the game. Which causes you to "unleash your kraken" i guess, if someone was to watch the demo, you did not only say deadie is stupid, but you involved shit like cancer, which is over the top.
And i guess you chose the least offensive to show in this thread.
In that game too, i didn't communicate in no way, when i was watching the demo back i saw people in the chat talking about all this drama, which they are right about, but they would understand why i got into this if only they read the tread, do see how you really are too.

"he needs to fucking hear what im saying, so by banning me he proof without a doubt he passed next the !ignore system, or he banned som1 on some random person words (cause ive got Drago ignored too), without any evidence."
"deadie is stupid" lol
You can watch the demo, and you're saying you have drago ignored too , so dont act like you ignored me lmfao, i was the one who made the smart decision to remove and ignore you, so nice try making false claims in pugs claiming that you ignored me first, as if i was the one who's in the wrong.

Blocking- Maybe show the full round?
Just because your crosshair isn't on me doesn't mean you were not following me.

Intentionally throwing match- You claimed yourself that you were giving the win to the other team, multiple times , threw nades towards me, including a flash, it's a shame FF was off.

And about the bans on Europe pugs, i can discuss that with Bison/Riser if they have any problems, which i doubt because they know how EU pugs are.

That is all, see you guys at the tournament!

So its only Drago who bypassed the !ignore system ? Thank you for cooperating, i aint admin anymore so i can't see admin chat.

And for the flash thing, since you clearly admin abused on the rest, you would of added it if you thought it was intentional.

You aren't proving anything in your response for the Innapropriate language part, you are making shit up, and please read the threads yourself you started shit up (and flame threads are irrelevant to your admin duties anyway, ask bison).

Blocking - bison reviewed it at 100% he was talking about that specific moment, thx for making lies in front of every1.

I can't believe you keep up with the Intentionally throwing match thing, how the fuck can i be throwing if i ended top adr/plant/assist .....

Im not going to respond to any of your other posts and wait for a Senior/Root to review.

"You aren't proving anything in your response for the Innapropriate language part, you are making shit up"
I was not talking about the forums, i was talking about what you were saying in game, including cancer comments too which is pretty childish.
If someone was to watch the season demo, which can be found here:
You start being toxic, for no apparent reason at all, unless you really did get triggered from me killing you, then i guess you really do have to grow up.
And when you die, you get angry at your teammates, which is still in the season pug, you were clearly mentally challenged at times too, when i got killed by you, i gave info to my teammates, I did not say "he is dead because he is bad" <----- you say something along the lines after a couple of rounds. You are clearly mentally challenged, resulting in a way in which you think and feel about things that are happening inside of a game
So no, i am not "making shit up", 
being a nuisance in a pug is different to making a nuisance of yourself in a forum, flame section.
I don't mind if you want to "unleash your kraken" on the threads, but you have to remember that it stays in the flaming section, it shouldn't carry on to pugs, pug servers should have a positive flowing energy by the players. 
Enjoy getting told by someone who is more young and as it seems somehow, more mature than you.

You claim multiple times that you were going to throw the game, luckily our team worked together and won, it would have been worse on you if we had lost, you did follow the game objectives, as it would have been stupid not to. 
Stats do not really matter in this match, as these are decent skilled players (apart from gabe) we were up against, so it's not hard getting high adr, which is probably only one of the useful stats in the match, plants do not really contribute to your skill level. 

"Im not going to respond to any of your other posts and wait for a Senior/Root to review."
I highly doubt that.
Now which is it gonna be, prove me wrong or stick with your words. Dammit i'm being mentally challenged!
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
(Mar 14 2017, 03:20 PM)Deadplanet Wrote:
(Mar 14 2017, 08:28 AM)Ben- Wrote:
(Mar 14 2017, 07:59 AM)Deadplanet Wrote: Making false claims again, mainly to make me look bad, so here it is.

I did not pass the ignore system, i even confirmed in with Bison since he checked the chat history, the only thing i said to you by using the all chat was "nice teamflash", which was more of a warning than using it to communicate.

Inappropriate language- Nice try making false claims again, saying i got triggered. On season i killed you continuously on the first couple rounds, and later on in the game. Which causes you to "unleash your kraken" i guess, if someone was to watch the demo, you did not only say deadie is stupid, but you involved shit like cancer, which is over the top.
And i guess you chose the least offensive to show in this thread.
In that game too, i didn't communicate in no way, when i was watching the demo back i saw people in the chat talking about all this drama, which they are right about, but they would understand why i got into this if only they read the tread, do see how you really are too.

"he needs to fucking hear what im saying, so by banning me he proof without a doubt he passed next the !ignore system, or he banned som1 on some random person words (cause ive got Drago ignored too), without any evidence."
"deadie is stupid" lol
You can watch the demo, and you're saying you have drago ignored too , so dont act like you ignored me lmfao, i was the one who made the smart decision to remove and ignore you, so nice try making false claims in pugs claiming that you ignored me first, as if i was the one who's in the wrong.

Blocking- Maybe show the full round?
Just because your crosshair isn't on me doesn't mean you were not following me.

Intentionally throwing match- You claimed yourself that you were giving the win to the other team, multiple times , threw nades towards me, including a flash, it's a shame FF was off.

And about the bans on Europe pugs, i can discuss that with Bison/Riser if they have any problems, which i doubt because they know how EU pugs are.

That is all, see you guys at the tournament!

So its only Drago who bypassed the !ignore system ? Thank you for cooperating, i aint admin anymore so i can't see admin chat.

And for the flash thing, since you clearly admin abused on the rest, you would of added it if you thought it was intentional.

You aren't proving anything in your response for the Innapropriate language part, you are making shit up, and please read the threads yourself you started shit up (and flame threads are irrelevant to your admin duties anyway, ask bison).

Blocking - bison reviewed it at 100% he was talking about that specific moment, thx for making lies in front of every1.

I can't believe you keep up with the Intentionally throwing match thing, how the fuck can i be throwing if i ended top adr/plant/assist .....

Im not going to respond to any of your other posts and wait for a Senior/Root to review.

"You aren't proving anything in your response for the Innapropriate language part, you are making shit up"
If someone was to watch the season demo, which can be found here:
You start being toxic, for no apparent reason at all, unless you really did get triggered from me killing you, then i guess you really do have to grow up.
And when you die, you get angry at your teammates, which is still in the season pug, you were clearly mentally challenged at times too, when i got killed by you, i gave info to my teammates, I did not say "he is dead because he is bad" <----- you say something along the lines after a couple of rounds. You are clearly mentally challenged, resulting in a way in which you think and feel about things that are happening inside of a game
So no, i am not "making shit up", 
being a nuisance in a pug is different to making a nuisance of yourself in a forum, flame section.
I don't mind if you want to "unleash your kraken" on the threads, but you have to remember that it stays in the flaming section, it shouldn't carry on to pugs, pug servers should have a positive flowing energy by the players. 
Enjoy getting told by someone who is more young and as it seems somehow, more mature than you.

You claim multiple times that you were going to throw the game, luckily our team worked together and won, it would have been worse on you if we had lost, you did follow the game objectives, as it would have been stupid not to. 
Stats do not really matter in this match, as these are decent skilled players (apart from gabe) we were up against, so it's not hard getting high adr, which is probably only one of the useful stats in the match, plants do not really contribute to your skill level. 

"Im not going to respond to any of your other posts and wait for a Senior/Root to review."
I highly doubt that.
Now which is it gonna be, prove me wrong or stick with your words. Dammit i'm being mentally challenged!

Please continue talking about the 2 other bans, bison only kept the blocking ban for 30 mins (because of a maybe), not the other 2 too bullcrap claims.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Ben-'s post:
Good old WL,

Banning an ex-admin because shit hit the fan in a forum post - then accusing him of something else, unbelievable really.
Ben's main post was about Deadie so I don't know why Drago got involved.
"Inappropriate language" yeah okay, if we were banning people based on this reason alone, there would be no players.

It's sad to see how current admins/ex admins are being treated in this community.
[-] The following 1 user Likes gabe.'s post:
(Mar 14 2017, 05:47 PM)gabe. Wrote: Good old WL,

Banning an ex-admin because shit hit the fan in a forum post - then accusing him of something else, unbelievable really.
Ben's main post was about Deadie so I don't know why Drago got involved.
"Inappropriate language" yeah okay, if we were banning people based on this reason alone, there would be no players.

It's sad to see how current admins/ex admins are being treated in this community.

You got the wrong side buddy, 
shit hit the fan on forums yes, did i carry what happened on the forums to the servers, nope
did he carry what had happened in the forums to the servers, yup
Drago got involved since his name is on this thread post
Inappropriate language doesn't involve the usual curses, but including comments that involve cancer, hitting a player with curses for no apparent reason too can be put under this rule. 
Since what had happened was on the flame section, it stays in that section. 
And if you read what i had to say in my defence it would all make sense too, from the flame section to this thread. 
And if you really did get hit hard in that section of the forums, then i guess ignore it?
He clearly didn't.
He was communicating with you last night, and he obviously said some stuff which got you to back him up...
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
(Mar 14 2017, 06:00 PM)Deadplanet Wrote: He was communicating with you last night, and he obviously said some stuff which got you to back him up...

Where did you get that from? God I love rumors.
When I got back to the server I was told that you guys banned Ben so I messaged him.
All we spoke about was he got banned and bison reduced the time - none of which involved anything that would make me take "his side" or "back him up"

My main point is that you guys banned someone who has been a player on this server for what? Over 6 years? And was admin during that time - over something so simple. And I personally think it was uncalled for. But oh well.

Maybe you guys can discuss this situation in the admin section and have other admins give their input.
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