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'video - advanced' console commands

I am looking for these specific console commands-

Model detail
Texture detail
Shader detail
Antialiasing mode
Filtering mode

These are set to values I don't want every time the game is launched. I've looked at fps-boosting cfgs that people have uploaded to fpsbanana and such, but there's a buttload of commands w/o descriptions & can't find these specific ones.

Those fps-boosting cfgs always seem to contain a bunch of stuff that fucks the game up way too much for me, and I would just like to have these five in a cfg.

Thank you,

[Image: 34bB2ys.jpg]
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
host_writeconfig in console after you change them

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