Jul 22 2011, 12:00 AM
My name is Joey, my css handle is hATERAD[E]. I've been playing css for like 10 years now, 4 years competitively, and I use to play diablo 2 a lot until they reset the ladder, i had a lvl 96 paladin, so i quit after that. I live in california and I used to be in a gungame clan known as IPS. It broke up like 2 years ago. I started in that clan as a private, and eventually moved my way up to a general. I ran their website, forums, servers, and started my own pirate forum based out of their website. I'm looking for a good clan to play with, active members, and a well organized, dedicated, and stable group of guys to wreck faces with. I have some experience in online leagues, such as CEVO, ESEA, TWL, ECO, IGL, and XPL. I want to join a clan, so i've been looking around and i've already put in applications in other places. So far i havn't found one that's the right fit for me. I need to make sure that my wants and goals match those of the clan's in order for me to get along with everyone and have a good time as well. I shall stick around for awhile and test the waters to see if this is the right fit for me. Hope to see you guys around.