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Helmut - Admin Application
Name: Helmut
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:21999673 (one I use) & STEAM_0:0:2446529 (reserve acc for league play)
Age: 23.
Tell us something about yourself: 6'8" former college athlete.  I've played source competitively for many years on the side. 
Reason For Admin Application: I can change the way things are run in game.  No more admin abuse, no more mic spamming.  I've had the misfortune to play with in-game admins that either abused their power or were to unwilling to use it.  I promise you nobody on these servers have a higher knowledge of the game than I do.  I worked with the Cyber Amature League (Cal) reviewing and catching cheaters.  My credentials speak for them self.
Team History
Fenix Elite Gaming Squad (Cal-Open)
Fenix Elite Gaming Squad (Cal-Open)
Team Chicken (Cal-Intermediate)
Team Chicken (Twl-Main)
Return of the Chicken (Twl-playoffs [3rd])
Corporate Gamers (Cevo-Professional)
Vicous 5 (Cevo-Main)
Partying isn't a Crime (Cevo-Main)
Emnity (Cevo-Main)
Hooligan Gaming (Cevo-Open)
Text.Incorporated (Esea-Main)
End of Reality (Esea-Main)
TeryaBYTE-Gaming (Esea-Open)
The Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers (Cevo-Open)
Hired 2 Kill (Cevo-Placement)
Burn After Rolling (Esea-Open)
Sky5 (Esea-Open)
Sky5 (Cevo-Main)
Freeze Frame (Esea-Intermediate)

Steam has kept track of playing-time for each game since the huge update last summer.  In 1 year, I have put in a considerable amount of time (5-6 hours a day)
[Image: steamtime.png]

As I'm finishing up college, I have less and less time to play CS:S competitively, meaning I am falling gradually back into the world of pubbing.  My past experience in server management is above average as well.  I ran and operated the ceo 24/7 surf/rpg server successfully for over 2 years before shutting it down.  At our peak we had over 400 active members, meaning 400 unique members logging on to the server at least once per every 5 days.

As most of you know, I am extremely resourceful in obtaining knowledge about players, which is why I am correct as often as I am about cheaters.  I can tell who has played where, for what team, and who has done well on esea's anti-cheat client.  Any test you summon for me to distinguish between a cheater and a legit player, I welcome.  I hope you take the time to consider this application.  While there are people that don't like me, or question my legitimacy, the fact remains that I have an extremely high knowledge of the game, the players, as well as years of admin experience. 

The Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as you
League xp-
-K me -
You're in Sacramento, Sac State?
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Helmut is extremely mature player, I think he really deserves getting an admin position.
UrbanXFX Wrote:Helmut is extremely mature player, I think he really deserves getting an admin position.

lol did you create another account to post it or asked your friend to do it for you?=)
ruplayer Wrote:
UrbanXFX Wrote:Helmut is extremely mature player, I think he really deserves getting an admin position.

lol did you create another account to post it or asked your friend to do it for you?=)

Lol ru!!
[Image: 20j1ild.png]
I think Helmut really deserves Admin POWER. Smile
[Image: matrix_stickmen.gif] [Image: ban_key.gif]
Naail Wrote:I think Helmut really deserves Admin POWER. Smile
2 previous posts.
UrbanXFX Wrote:Helmut is extremely mature player, I think he really deserves getting an admin position.
0 previous posts.

you were on sky5?

i was with em in cal o-m when we went by littleprincesses until name change to sky5 in cal main, when did you join em?
Helmut^ : Black dont act as if you don't wall
B L A C K D Y N A M I T E : lol record me
Helmut^ Confusedo you can pretend like you cant see people through walls? no thanks

*DEAD* Helmut : chun is such bullshit
*DEAD* Helmut : lmfao
*DEAD* Helmut : what a fucking joke

Helmut: you're so full of shit chun
ChuN*BWP*: then your bad dude...
Helmut: right kid
hmmm, let's see the Last chat on the bottom left of the photo.
He is definitely a hacker!or a pro?
mar_heave : Which David is performing some testing on the server?
M. Bison :That'd be me. I'm testing ways to destroy the server. :eek:

Ever played in PlagueFest server
[Image: 2dgqm84.png]
[Image: dejxg5dm1cglfstk5w.png]
chun Wrote:you were on sky5?

i was with em in cal o-m when we went by littleprincesses until name change to sky5 in cal main, when did you join em?

I joined them halfway through last cevo season and played 3 esea-open matches with them before leaving.

mar_heave Wrote:hmmm, let's see the Last chat on the bottom left of the photo.
He is definitely a hacker!or a pro?

Actually, I get a kick out of people calling me a cheater all the time.  Boosts my ego (not like it needs it), and gives me more self confidence.  I started recording what people would say a couple years ago, but haven't added anything new in close to a year, since your "about me" can only be 3,000 characters or something.

*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) Ya boy : helmt is bullshit
Ya boy: that helmt guy is walling
Nunya #apc : he is
*DEAD* t4nK' : clearly helmut is hacking
*DEAD* t4nK' : its so clear.

*DEAD* GeTcHa Lookin : hey helmut

Charles GuNN : HELMUT is nasty with those headshots

uncle ruckas: a u hack huh.
engineers|HelmutNF: ?
uncle ruckas: i already know u killed me through a wall

¿insane : helmut that was a hax shot

I2egistry : yes helmet toggle off thx bro?

*DEAD* eMg|ridic : this helmut guy is bs

Niks : Helmut
Niks : walls off kids
Niks : thnx

-√A™/ flint ¦CA¦ : helmut walls forsure lol

*DEAD* ``LoseControl`` : nice aimbot
Helmut : who
Dont Fear The Reaper : yeeeup

*DEAD* Gee LeDouche : helmut walls
*DEAD* -√A™/L/ 0matik |CA| : helmut h@x*

Zombie Crab : helmut you fwalling bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-√A™/ Karenzi |CA| : plenty of time for you to turn off your cheats helmut
-√A™/ Karenzi |CA| : doesnt help that you cheat too helmut

`Nub : helmut nice aimbot faggot gtfo

Joe : i like how you turned on the walls when you got dominated
Helmut #Party.Inc : lol?
Murph : typical german nerd.

kiX <3 : helmuat has teh chetz0rz
kiX <3: OH WTF
kiX <3: HE HAX
kiX <3: IM SRS
kiX <3: :l

-√A™/ MacMaxey ¦CA¦ : Helmut I think you hack sometimes

[22] : you'
[22] : are just blatant now lol
[22] : not even gonna lie
Helmut : blatant?
[22] : dont know what it means?
22] : fuck you
Helmut : ?
chiem : BULLSHIT
bean. : dont try shit
[22] : so freaking blatant
[22] : experience is enough to prove that you're chetzinggg
[22] : skill>hacker
[22] : gg bads
chiem : hackers dont win
Player [22] has left the game (disconnected by user)

SpOoNz..>.<..SnAkEbiTeZ : helmut you hack and you know it

shine #goonies : i think helmuts cheetz

.ezaH : helmut is sketchy

dF.cranked- : helmut lmfao u waller

CanisMajoris ¦AUS¦ : nice hacks Helmut, gtfo

∞ †hin †0 iNFINITY ∞ : Helmut is so blatant
Helmut : blatantly amazing?
∞ †hin †0 iNFINITY ∞ : STFU HACKRE!!!
cheezEwizz : gtfo hacker

*DEAD* [ÙĆ] Sveri Obraza : this guy is hacking
*DEAD* Helmut : who?
*DEAD* [ÙĆ] Sveri Obraza : stfu hacker

m1 : helmut
m1 : cheating gets u banned
Helmut : Yeah?
m1 : if ur cheating im recording stv in my server and ima vac ban u cuz my dad owns steam
The Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as you
League xp-
-K me -

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