You were clearly aimbotting from the multiple scrims we did the other night. You were smooth aimbotting. All your kills are from flicking to targets, none of them from actually aiming or crosshair placement. You hit EVERY flick shot. EVERY Flick shot. Normally people only hit 50%, at most, with those shots. What makes it even more suspicious, that when you preplace your crosshair and try not to do a flick shot, you miss almost ALL your deagle shots. They were scrims, so we couldn't demo you. However, all 3 other members and myself can confirm your cheats.
We figured you were just randy superman the first game, but then it became more consistent and more obvious. You were doing mid air 1 deags across the map on season. None of your shots were normal, all of them were flicks. We considered the fact that you might've been pro, since I rememebr you mentioning something about CAL. However, we ran your steam ID through legit-proof and found NO League experience at all. We looked up your steam ID, and you were banned from popular communities, one of them being HellsGamers, whose admins aren't just well educated with cheats, but they are pro's themselves.
All headshot flicks? 5-7 rounds in a row? Please.