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Resolved  Was banned.
WOW you dont have a demo??? how could you ban without a demo?? theres rules for admins here please if you gonna ban again provide a demo!! personally i dont belive keek hacks thats why i wanted to see the demo!! :/
[Image: 20j1ild.png]
Wow, legit proof?  Thats some helmut BS, there.  next time u scrim with helmut and he calls hack because people aren't Cevo-M and are rocking him isn't grounds for ban.  a lot of people don't league because they don't have time for scheduled matches...  Other site bans aren't grounds to ban someone, as I have learned via conversations with root admins.  The other thing I learned from them is if u ban, u must have a demo.

Side note:  You choose to ban a friend of mine without cause.  If he was hacking so be it.  If a leaguer/wannabe admin says he is because he "knows" is belligerent. I certainly hope in the future if you ban someone you have a demo and not a "hunch" confirmed by friends.
It wasn't even helmut.
It was speedy, a veteran that alot of people know. He was the one who cleared everythign up to me and he's right.
[Image: Untitled-181.jpg]
my legit proof (which has a laughable few leetist members...its CSS really) comment is to the rationale of helmut ingame for the reason sp|pt is a hacker.  Reference any of his claims of hacker because they don't league.  Keek is online in the evening hours most days on Popular server #2.  If you need a demo on him aimbotting that would be a good time. 
Okay, if you don't agree with legit-proof, which is perfectly reasonable. Then explain to me why he was banned from very popular communities. HELLSGAMERS EVEN HAS THEIR OWN ESEA MAIN TEAM. SiX was very popular. Lotus is another community up there. If you really don't think this is suspicious...

You also mentioned that its somewhat okay to ban if other admins agree. What do admins have? a good education about how cheats work. Speedy is pro, has good education about how cheats work. Helmut is pro, he was even commended by bison that he had a good idea of how cheats work, it was only his trolling problem. I've had a 100% ban accuracy, all with demos, and this is the one time I didn't.  Takeda is somewhat decent, and even he agreed that keek was cheating.

These 4, what makes them different, if not better, than our admins in catching cheats?
[Image: Untitled-181.jpg]
Quote:You were clearly aimbotting from the multiple scrims we did the other night. You were smooth aimbotting. All your kills are from flicking to targets, none of them from actually aiming or crosshair placement. You hit EVERY flick shot. EVERY Flick shot. Normally people only hit 50%, at most, with those shots. What makes it even more suspicious, that when you preplace your crosshair and try not to do a flick shot, you miss almost ALL your deagle shots. They were scrims, so we couldn't demo you. However, all 3 other members and myself can confirm your cheats.

We figured you were just randy superman the first game, but then it became more consistent and more obvious. You were doing mid air 1 deags across the map on season. None of your shots were normal, all of them were flicks. We considered the fact that you might've been pro, since I rememebr you mentioning something about CAL. However, we ran your steam ID through legit-proof and found NO League experience at all. We looked up your steam ID, and you were banned from popular communities, one of them being HellsGamers, whose admins aren't just well educated with cheats, but they are pro's themselves.

All headshot flicks? 5-7 rounds in a row? Please.

Well, thank you for replying to my thread.

Just because someone is better than you at a game doesn't give you the right to ban them without "proof".  I don't play this game competitively anymore like I did in CAL back in 1.5.  Yes, CAL has been around far before steam.  Legit-proof means nothing, along with steam ID's-  Both are frequently used to determine legitimacy by the "post-steam" generation that flocked in and killed the game.  I have an 8 digit, yet I've been playing since the release of 1.4.  I played through 1.5, stopped at 1.6 because of the riot shield and picked CS back up last January. 

Quote:Okay, if you don't agree with legit-proof, which is perfectly reasonable. Then explain to me why he was banned from very popular communities. HELLSGAMERS EVEN HAS THEIR OWN ESEA MAIN TEAM. SiX was very popular. Lotus is another community up there. If you really don't think this is suspicious...

I never protested on HellsGamers, because one of the server admins called me a n*gger.

SiX is very popular, however they have a horrible community.  If you get votebanned, it's a perma ban.  Here are the demos of me playing right before the perma-voteban from the server.

Hotel California was unable to supply me with the demo, here's the thread- ... eek#p48359

Lotus clan?  I've never been banned from their servers.

Quote:Keek is online in the evening hours most days on Popular server #2.  If you need a demo on him aimbotting that would be a good time. 

Come demo me all you want, Kyle.
bSprout Wrote:Okay, if you don't agree with legit-proof, which is perfectly reasonable. Then explain to me why he was banned from very popular communities. HELLSGAMERS EVEN HAS THEIR OWN ESEA MAIN TEAM. SiX was very popular. Lotus is another community up there. If you really don't think this is suspicious...

You also mentioned that its somewhat okay to ban if other admins agree. What do admins have? a good education about how cheats work. Speedy is pro, has good education about how cheats work. Helmut is pro, he was even commended by bison that he had a good idea of how cheats work, it was only his trolling problem. I've had a 100% ban accuracy, all with demos, and this is the one time I didn't.  Takeda is somewhat decent, and even he agreed that keek was cheating.

These 4, what makes them different, if not better, than our admins in catching cheats?

The beauty about banning is proof to the ban.  Hence why there is an admin appeal in the forums.  A lot of SiX banned players play here.  A lot of SiX non-banned players play here and your pros say they hack.  Failsafe to proving hacks is demo.

When I banned Always Angry.  I got a lot of heat from players in-game because "good" players that were "hackish" were still aloud to play.  I explained to them no proof=no hack. 

I've played CSS 750+hrs more than your pros.  +2000 more than you.  I must be playing with my eyes closed.
Mr.Tea Wrote:Wow, legit proof?  Thats some helmut BS, there.  next time u scrim with helmut and he calls hack because people aren't Cevo-M and are rocking him isn't grounds for ban.  a lot of people don't league because they don't have time for scheduled matches...  Other site bans aren't grounds to ban someone, as I have learned via conversations with root admins.  The other thing I learned from them is if u ban, u must have a demo.

Side note:  You choose to ban a friend of mine without cause.  If he was hacking so be it.  If a leaguer/wannabe admin says he is because he "knows" is belligerent. I certainly hope in the future if you ban someone you have a demo and not a "hunch" confirmed by friends.

How did you become an admin? The level of ******ity in each one of these sentences is slightly overwhelming.

Some Helmut bs?  It's simple.  If somebody is playing like a pro, they didn't get there by pubbing their entire CSS career.  Keek was blatantly cheating in two scrims (both of which I was on his team).  He went 15-5 on dust2 after about 6 rounds, but I didn't pay attention until our next scrim on de_season.  On season, I got the chance to watch him hit 4 flick shots in a row with his deagle (back-to-back-to-back).  Ok, maybe he just had a good round.  Then he's peaking awpers with his deagle and 1 deaging them every time.  The other team left at half because he was cheating, at which point I banned him from my vent.  Before saying anything, the other 3 members on our team said "that keek guy was bullshit". 

Mr. Tea, a player being your friend means absolutely nothing as far as their legitimacy is concerned.  The only thing it means, is that they are that much more likely to get away with cheating because of your willingness to turn a blind eye to somebody just because of your friendship.  If you knew anything about competitive CS:S, you would know the huge amount of cheaters that are on the scene in every league except ESEA.  Maybe you would even demonstrate a willingness to learn.  But no, keep that head buried in the sand, and turn your big blind eye to everything that happens around you.

I agree however, that nobody should be banned without a demo.  Seeing as this was on the wL scrim server though, you guys should have source tv set to automatically record.  add "tv_enable 1" and "tv_autorecord 1" to the server.cfg.


Mr.Tea Wrote:I've played CSS 750+hrs more than your pros.  +2000 more than you.  I must be playing with my eyes closed.

I love how often you use your steam in-game time in these situations. As anybody who plays wL knows, you sit afk in the servers for days at a time.  I'd be shocked if your actual playing time exceeded 500 hours.
The Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as you
League xp-
-K me -
helmut^ Wrote:I agree however, that nobody should be banned without a demo.  Seeing as this was on the wL scrim server though, you guys should have source tv set to automatically record.  add "tv_enable 1" and "tv_autorecord 1" to the server.cfg.

Bottom line, no demo, no ban. Regardless of whether some pro/experienced player thinks he's cheating or not.

Poor call by the admin.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
So is there a demo then? Simple question with a simple answer.
If you read this, you suck.

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