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Loks and I usually say "Hey man if you don't sort your rates out then you're going to get kicked" to the person if they are teleporting real hard, then we kick them. As much as some would disagree with this, it's the players responsibility to make sure that they are playing in an acceptable way on our server, and we do have the right to kick you if you're lagging out so bad that it makes you extremely hard to hit.

The 2 main indications that you are teleporting would be indicated by your net graph. If you type net_graph 3 into console, you will get a little network graph on the right side of your screen. At the bottom, there are 2 things that say "loss" and "choke". If you're experiencing a lot of choke, then it's most likely that you are not registering properly on the server, and therefore you will be teleporting.

It has to do with how much data you are uploading to the server, as that data would be telling the server where you are on the map. The server then sends you data to tell you where everyone else is. Coupled with this data is all sorts of other data, such as bullet hits. If you're not uploading data quick enough to the server, then other users won't see you in the place that you should be, they'll see you in the place you were, and the bullets won't register damage because you're not actually there.

I know that might be a little difficult to understand, I am currently writing up another guide on how all this works and how to fix your rates. For the meantime, when you're playing, make sure that your bandwidth isn't being used up by other applications, such as file sharing or internet browsers. This can cause choke in game, unless you have given CS:S QoS on your router, in which case it would be getting highest priority of bandwidth on your network.

Any questions? Smile

EDIT : Also Macka is just saying that you were kicked because you were teleporting. I pretty much just explained the reasons behind it, so don't worry Smile
If you read this, you suck.
Recently I have seen players kicked for "high ping" when they weren't teleporting at all.

Just some food for thought for the admins curious about this case.
I am probably the one who's getting his point since I am Russian too, PLEASE READ THIS:

He is saying that he had this lag that player was running and shooting at the enemies but in the same time he was staying at one spot, I had this lag too, but I figured that it was my lag, not that player's, it happened a lot with me on assault, like I run somewhere and see no enemies, then next thing I see - I am dead, and camera switched to the enemy player at his spawn(who killed me) and he's running, turning around, jumping, shooting, but not moving from spawn... I was mad, and thought it was him lagging, but then I figured it's my lag and reconnected, so he had the same thing and he kicked Falcon by mistake, it was just a mistake, we apologize for that. I hope you understood what that=)

  ===>  shit are you stupid? I just told you that I kicked you because you were lagging! You were staying at one spot from my look but for real you were playing, it's hard to explain.
sorry about that
Night Watch Rulez!
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this alredy happend with me! i think is a glitch or somehing!
[Image: 20j1ild.png]
Jee... Thanks Rival for typing so big. I totally understand it. But RAMESH from India already did those check ups for me w.r.t. choke over phone. He said I am okay.  I will always be sure that I dont lag. thankyou.
And for MACKA... you kicked me... so i am gonna curse you : YOU ARE AN INDIAN POLITICIAN.
you have all the rights as an admin to kick a player for the betterment of the gameplay., but please let them know the reason before they are kicked. THATS ALL...!

Loving wL

Since this is resolved, time for a lock!

If you read this, you suck.

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