I, The Rival Wrote:Gadaffi was killed by Libyans, not by French/British/American. The way I see it is, oppressed citizens of Libya finally overthrew a harsh, crazy, brutal dictator, and showed him the same mercy that he had shown it's people. 40 years ruled under Gadaffi, it must have been pretty shit for most of them.
Fair play to them, that's what I say. It's their country, if they want to murder the leader, then let them.
That's not exactly true. Gadaffi was in his hometown of Sirte which had been under a 2 month siege by rebel forces. He decided to make a break to the west probably in hopes of fleeing Libya and probably seeking amnesty in some country like Algeria. However, NATO bombed his convoy which killed many of Gadaffi's loyal troops and disabled their vehicles and may have also injured Gadaffi (i think). He along with a handful of troops made a run for it and hid in some drainage pipe and then shortly thereafter surrendered. He was then apparently beaten and dragged on the ground by his hair by NTC forces and subsequently executed.
I don't see how overthrowing Gaddafi and then torturing and executing him would be considered okay in any morally conscious persons mind. The people who captured him are essentially no better than the despicable filth that they overthrew. In fact, one might argue that they may actually be worse than Gadaffi himself. For years now, there's been people who have speculated that Gaddafi might actually be psychotic and suffering from some sort of mental or personality disorder such as Schizophrenia. If that's actually the case, then he may have actually had a reasonable excuse for his actions. That's not the case for his executors, though.
As for NATO, I'd say they're probably no less responsible for his death than the people who executed him. If they hadn't of bombed his convoy, it's quite possible that Gadaffi may have actually had a reasonable chance of escaping Libya. Also, how does a UN resolution authorizing a no-fly zone over Libya turn into a bombing campaign by NATO? See, these sorts of things seem unfathomable to me. :-\
Assassin Wrote:i really felt sad, i dont think he didnt deserves that.
There's a double negative in there. The "don't" cancels out the "didn't" making it "I think he deserves that". I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not. :-\
Assassin Wrote:the islamic word dont support that kind of thing i mean suicide bombers, and its wrong what you hear about the islamic world supporting that kind of thing is completely wrong and incorrect in fact its forbidden that kind of act and consider it sinful and its against that and violence.
ruplayer didn't specifically state who would carry out the suicide bombing whether it be some radical faction of a religion or some sort of cult. He was merely saying that western powers are striking a nerve with a lot of countries and people. And of course the more people you piss off, the more likely you'll run into a radical group which may turn to tactics such as suicide bombing. It's funny that you instantly affiliated "suicide bomber" with "islamic". Hehe.